MSFS Supports Solar Eclipse: Perth Australia 20th April

There is a Total Solar Eclipse that can be viewed from Perth Australia on Thursday 20th April.

I spawned at Perth airport and initially didn’t notice anything (see the first image, viewed with the naked eye). I then decided to look at the sun through the visor and to my surprise, the eclipse if visable. You can use the time adjustment to watch the eclipse unfold.

GREAT WORK Microsoft/Asobo.

And you don’t have to wait till the 20th to view it.

Regards, Paul


And if anyone is interested, there is a Wishlist topic for the dimming effect of the solar eclipse:


The effect is actually hard to notice until the eclipse gets closer to totality. As ambient light drops off, your pupils dilate to compensate. You really don’t notice anything unless you look at another light source such as a traffic light, which appears much brighter than normal.


Yep, your eyes have HDR built in. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve seen totality twice in my life, and if I’m lucky, I’ll make it three times 368 days from now.


Yes, but when totality is reached, it’s like someone turned off the lights. The streetlights come on, the birds go quiet, there’s a black hole in the sky with some white milky stuff (the Sun’s corona) seeming to drain down into it, and there’s twilight all around the whole horizon. It doesn’t look anything like @CinnamonInk8010’s screenshot.

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My screenshot isn’t at total eclipse. In fact it is far from it. Tell me, are you talking about a real eclipse or an eclipse in the sim?

Sorry, yes. I am talking about a real eclipse (totality), of which I have been privileged to see two. I assumed that your screenshot was of totality during the April 20th eclipse, in the game.

I should add that it would be cool if they did model the effect of totality in the game. The Concorde was used to chase an eclipse over Africa in 1973. We could recreate that flight:

After some further testing, with a view of creating an event around the Solar Eclipse, I came to the conclusion that the Eclipse isn’t modeled correctly.

I checked the path of the full eclipse shadow via official channels and tested the eclipse at points along that area and the most I could achieve is a 75% to 80% eclipse. I couldn’t find a location where I could achieve 100% eclipse.

Oh well, it’s a flight simulator after all and not a celestial simulator.

I’m @ Perth international in MSFS 10:50pm NYC time, and I’m watching the Solar eclipse in the sim!


Really enjoying this live view right now… ahhh, Perth!

I witnessed the one in England in…2000 was it? It was cloudy but we had a lucky break in the clouds at the right time.

I was on a clifftop overlooking the sea and the one thing that struck me was watching the moon’s shadow racing towards us over the water. What a sight!

Eclipse as seen in MSFS from WABB on 4/20/23 @ 4:30 AM

But even when it was FULL, the surrounding did not go dark (like it should have done)

Maybe Asobo will fix the Eclipse Lighting.
At least in MSFS, we can simulate 4/20/23 @ 4:30 am , any time we want .

Did you get the eclipse to go full? I tried at recommended points and only achieved a partial eclipse.

Or you could just install Stellarium

Same here, despite moving position and altering time. that was about the best I could achieve – never a FULL Eclipse.

Also, once I realized that the Eclipse was NOT altering the ambient light level , I lost interest, and stopped wasting time on a fools errand.

I was lucky enough to have been in the UK, for the last total eclipse in the UK that was in August 1999.

I will be long gone by the next on in the UK on 23 September 2090 !!

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