MSFS2020 and raytracing

Guys, I got in a new graphic card (Asus TUF 3080 12GB) which normally is capable of raytracing.
Does MSFS2020 support raytracing and if yes, how do I turn that on, either on the sim or on the graphic card itself ?


Hi I’ve got that card great choice with the extra vram, I may be wrong but I believe its not available as of yet on msfs. Someone correct if I’m worng.

Okay. I’m not sure if raytracing has something to do with DX12 (in beta for now) or if it’s totally unrelated.

Real time ray tracing will work only in DX12, that’s correct.
BTW currently it’s not implemented and the performance of DX11 is much better both in the current live version and SU10 beta.
Stick to DX11 for now, waiting for better times.

@MrFuzzy1337 got it, thanks a lot for the response

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You can turn on raytracing in the usercfg.opt file, I have it set on, it makes a difference here the way the sim runs and looks quite a bit. It will be at the top of the config file.

RayTracing 1

Set it to 1 and see the difference. Farther down theres another raytracing feature as well, I dont remember which on that is.

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Hoooo, very interesting.
Ok yes I have changed Raytracing 1 and also
Enabled 1
Quality 3

The difference isn’t obvious everywhere, at least in my case. But I think it shows on the runways. I think I need to do more testing.

Thanks for the tip !

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NP they broke it in SU5, but fixed it again in a bug patch for something else they broke. If you have an HDR monitor, make sure thats set to 1 too…

My monitor is not HDR (it’s an old HP x2301 I got like 12-13 years ago).

Is an HDR monitor mandatory for raytracing or this is just another/separate layer of improvement ?

I dont think so pretty sure not, it just looks so much better Bwhahaha ! Put my on a 55" 4k just to see as opposed to the 32 1080 gamming monitor, and never went back.

I am still waiting for the sim to get ray tracing.
It would be even crazier if we had a technical path tracing option as well, that would be truly amazing and could add immensely to visual realism.