Msfs2020 Gliding tips/help

Hi i had a crave lately for gliders and I have flown them before in previous simulators, Does anyone have any tips? I know about the discuss glider and Kinect assistant for thermal and tow but I seem to don’t have any ridge lift on a mountain or a hill. Does anyone know how to make that possible? I have seen some YouTube videos where they are managing to make it work. I know thermals exist in the game but don’t well are there any custom weather settings I can change to make the ridge lift work?

Picture above was taken after a take_off at LFIX, with a 15kts NW wind.

To be sure to reach a good lift, select your wind manually. Speed around 15/20 kts, perpendicular to the ridges. You can choose RL gliders airfields, but any place surrounded with mountains should work.

Don’t hesitate to fly really close to the mountains, and reduce your speed when you enter a lift.

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how are you launching the glider and which glider is that?
is it native to MSFS or ported and using the legacy flight model?
I would love to have gliders in MSFS complete with a tow plane and variometer, as in FSX

The glider is this one : Discus-2b Glider » Microsoft Flight Simulator. I think it was designed fo FS2020. The flight model is nice.

I use Kinetic Assistant, a standalone app which can simulate a tow-plane or a winch.

In Albatross You find predefinde Races with Thermals and ridge lift.
With Knetic Assistant you can make your own Thermals and define your own wind layers in MSFS.

you can use api from the internet to activate thermals without making them yourself

Kinetic assistant generates thermals too.

ok - thanks to all. I had no idea so much was happening wrt this missing component of flight sim for MSFS.
Albatross looks interesting. Kinetic assistant, etc…good stuff
Thanks for the links - downloading the glider now

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