MSFS2020 module not connected- Prosim

Hi all,
I am very geen trying to add a MCDU and a chrono to my rig for the A32NX. I purchased these from Opencockpits and been struggling get Prosim to recognize them. I am wondering if this is not due to this message “FS2020 module not connected “ because everything in SIOC works when I am testing buttons. Just when I get into FS nothing works. Prosim MCDU is on but yet again my screen stay empty and black.
Anyone who can help?

have you checked the prosim forums.? Install MSFS2020 - ProSim-AR Forum

I have read most if not all the post including this one. As always there are just hint of things to do but not clear answers. I am green with ProSim but I am pretty sure I don’t have the flight models nor modules that are mention here “prosim (flightmodel and module)” on this post.
I have trial 30 days so maybe it doesn’t have these modules.

all I can imagine is that you need prosim software to communicate with fs2020 and i thought that was very expensive. but maybe soon there will be solutions using mobiflight or spadnext. have you installed the trial and looked in the prosim folder. for the modules. Im sorry I dont know much about these products but dont give up a lot of creative people are working to get these componants to communicate with fs2020 without having to spend a lot of money . a lot of these componants were designed in the fsx xplane p3d era but now I am seeing people 3d print mcdus and hooking them up to arduinos and mobiflight. i hope this helps

No worries! I have found the modules and software wise, everything seems to be working. It’s still not good enough to get those components to work with MSFS.


Just staring out with Prosim. Where did yoo get the modules?

Open main system file for B738 (or a320) (ie ProSimB738.exe) then >Help>Updates >Select Add ons Tab> download latest Visual Model for FS2020>then scroll further down the same page and locate “prosim msfs2020 Module” download that. They should both install into your community folder