Wirh my Pimax Crystal I have copied all the settings of Tetiana from DiscoVR. The “Best VR Performance of MSFS with Rtx 3080.” Opened Pimax Client, PimaxVR, OpenXR Toolkit and OpenComposite.
Tetiana changed overriding resolution from the OpenXr System tab from 3531x5106 to 2685x3883 and this resulted with best settings in performance and visuals for rtx3080.
In my case I copied everything but changing to 2685 it shows 2685x3177 not 3883. Have tried varios settings downgrading and upgrading resolution but gauges are not sharp not even image. My Reverb G2 image and sharpness are way better. Only Pimax has better brightness. My specs are Windows11, CPU I7-13700K, RAM 48GB, RTX 3080.
What else should I try? PLEASE HELP
Are you changing the resolution in the OpenXR Toolkit? Are you using PimaxXR - you mentioned PimaxVR - a typo? Consider setting it at 3500 x xxxx. You set 2685 x xxxx which is very, very low - the effect is the low resolution and low quality image.
I assume you have PimaxXR runtime enabled in PimaxXR control panel, not SteamVR? You may also check Pimax application, there is a setting there for image quality, if a remember correctly. Set it to best available quality (but I’m not sure if this applies both to PimaxXR runtime and SteamVR runtime, I don’t use SteamVR for MSFS).
3500 x xxx is still not native resolution required for full resolution of Crystal - the native res. is about 4100 x xxxx. It’s higher that actual panel resolution, because it compensates for the lens distortion. But even with 4090 it is difficult to have decent FPS at native Crystal resolution. So 3500 x xxxx is considered as a good compromise and starting point for the tinkering.
To have decent FPS (20-30 with 3080) you should probably use DLSS balanced in the sim, and you should have moderate settings, consider setting clouds to medium, ultra clouds will destroy your FPS.
By the way, this is not related to your resolution problems, but OpenComposite is not doing anything for MSFS. OpenComposite translates from OpenVR applications to OpenXR. MSFS is not OpenVR application, but native OpenXR, there is no need for translation. So whatever you set in OpenComposite has no effect on MSFS whatsoever.
I would recommend following advice of people who are focusing on VR and MSFS, not the general VR reviewers. In typical games you usually don’t have small details which are present in the sim. Also gamers aim at high FPS, like even 60. In MSFS what matters more is resolution and just decent FPS above 25-30, if your GPU can’t produce more.
Thanks very much for helping me. Yes type error it is PimaxXR.
As said have tried higher settings but it is always as if I wear prescription lenses that are not for me. It is vision disturbing. Cannot even read large Airport name. To read text on instruments I have to lean in forward and still not 100%. Have thought that maybe my gtx 3080 is dying. But everything works fine in Reverb G2. Have tried TAA and DLSS Render Quality 075 and default1.00 Tried per eye resolution from 3521x4178 with 29 FPS downwards by steps until 2900x3432 that gave 40FPS. Also wearing the Headset I can see the edges Left and Right and some less defined edges before the real ones…My MSFS settings are the ones of Tetiana from DiscoVR between medium and some low or off.
I think I sell the Pimax Crystal, it does not work for me…
Do you normally wear reading or progressive glasses? Pimax Crystal has relatively close focus distance, about 1m, so you may have eye focusing issue. Can you normally (without the headset) focus on an object 1m away without glasses? This was observed by @HugeMercury163 .
And make sure that in PimaxXR panel your selected runtime is PimaxXR not SteamVR.
Check also looking with one eye - if one of the lenses is incorrectly mounted. You may remount both lenses, they are replaceable.
What about other VR games - the same clarity/focus issue? When you press the IPD or volume rocker switch you should see Pimax overlay interface - is this also blurry - this would point to optical issue (lenses or your eyes).
Yeah, it looks to me like SmallerLoki9410 has a focusing issue and maybe also the IPD being out (either that or bad lenses). If he does have close focusing problems, a cheap pair of +1.0 reading glasses from a pharmacist or Wal Mart may help. I now have a pair of prescription glasses set for 1 metre focus distance and the Crystal is now super sharp, in fact I have been running it at full resolution of 4315 x 5100 in a glider near the Matterhorn in the Alps and it’s amazing. In the TestHMD app I can easily read the second bottom line in the Snellen eye chart with the Crystal and almost the bottom line, whereas I can’t with the G2 or the Pico4 (even though I don’t need corrective glasses for the G2 or the Pico4).
It must be a hardware, probably a lens problem. Have tried DCS and IL-Sturmovik, both are not sharp. Even The light House or Cliff House image is not sharp. I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED
Did you try reseating the lenses? Are both lenses blurry (easy to check by closing one eye)?
What do you mean by checking the lenses in VR or off Headset.
I see things as if I had a lens for miopy, text is almost unreadable.
Also several problems connecting to the headset. I have to try several times making all what is stated on the screen, changing usb, restarting etc- it is not funny al all. Thanks for your help
I mean removing the lenses from the headset and attaching them again. Some users reported that their lenses were incorrectly mounted by the factory or displaced during transportation.
And I guess you normally don’t wear glasses, your eyes are able to close focus on an object 1m away.
I use glasses and I have lens inse rt on my Reverb G2. But even without those inserts I see clearer than with the Pimax. If I wear my glasses I see a little better but it isn’t Ok. Have reset the lenses and maybe it is a little better, but I think it is more a placebo effect…
Wrote to Pimax explaining that I await my inserts and that if those or their recomendation do not resolve my problems, I pretend they reimburse me.
Thanks again for your response. As soon I have tried their recommendation (if they come) I’ll post back.
Thanks, be well
Reverb G2 image is focused ca. 2m from your eyes. Crystal image is much closer ca. 1m. If, without the headset, you can focus your vision on a object 1m away, you rather don’t need glasses for the Crystal. If, without the headset, you can’t focus on an object 1m away, and you need reading glasses, you will also need reading glasses in the Crystal.
From your explanation I understand that while being in the Pimax application (no game started yet) when you press volume or IPD physical button on the crystal and the rectangle showing the volume or IPD appears in the headset - it is also blurry.
And I understand that if you close one eye the image for the other eye is still blurry.
As the last resort I would recommend taking Crystal to a friend with strong enough PC (on which not any headset was previously installed) and installing just Pimax software and checking if it works better - if not, this would probably mean that the optical path of your headset is defective, for both eyes, which is rather strange.