[MSFS2024] Air Tractor AT-802

Please use this thread to provide general feedback and impressions about this aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. For all bug reports, please create a new topic (or upvote an existing topic) in the Aircraft & Systems section of the forums. Please use the full bug report template when creating a new bug report.


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Rudder use on controller changes zoom on efb which is very distracting.


Maybe I’m just not used to it yet, but it seems exceedingly difficult to make coordinated turns in this plane. Even auto-rudder seems to have trouble with it. In agricultural aviation missions, the plane seems to yaw from side to side at the end of every turn, and it’s very hard to stabilize, making accurate application of product extremely difficult.

I am not a an ag pilot in real-life, but I have seen videos of these guys in action from the cockpit perspective, and it appears to slip FAR less than it does in the sim. I think something is off in its sim physics.


This plane also has problems with the pitch trim. It’s impossible to takeoff when touching the trim.

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Agree it is slippery in yaw. Rocks left to right a bit too much, can’t compare this one to real life but doubt IRL it would be certified if it exhibited this behavior.


How are you supposed to operate it when returning to the base with empty tanks? I did not find a manual in the aircraft manual section.
In the Firefighter version it was okay to fly but when I put down flaps 2 on final it pitched up by a lot, so I trimmed it down. The stall speed was also very low. Are you supposed to use the flaps 2 only when landing with water in the scoop tank, when it is heavier?


Prob rpm isnt accurate, especially when cutting power to low setting, and please fix the beta mode for the prop, this is half the fun on startup and shutdown.

coordinated turns are wrong, the slip indicator is way off.


I agree. In the sim, the airplane needs full rudder deflection to counter adverse yaw. I haven’t flown an air tractor but I would be surprised if that was the case in the real airplane. In the sim, the rudder feels undersized and not effective as it should be.


If you fly it like a fighter aircraft, as you appear to have to do when crop dusting, slip doesn’t appear to come into the equation. Just do an almost quarter roll and pull as hard as you can. :wink:

A bit of rudder does seem to help though.

I’m not sure that the wings/airframe would take that sort of abuse IRL, but it does serve to get you back to the field you’re dusting pretty quickly. :wink:

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Maybe I’m missing something, but this plane doesn’t have autopilot?

Where did anyone say that it has an autopilot?

The only mention of anything close was “auto-rudder” which is probably just one of the assistance options in MSFS.

No instance anywhere else in the world is talking about autopilot regarding this plane. I was hoping someone could help.

ah, i missed what you were asking.

It does seem to be a pretty rudimentary aircraft and for the uses for which it was designed, ie fairly short-range crop-spraying/fire-fighting flights, it was presumably decided that adding an autopilot, even after initial build, wouldn’t be that useful.

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I seem to be smitten with this ugly little utility aircraft. I am impressed by how many bindable buttons and switches are available (even if they don’t have the names you would think, which makes for a lengthy process).
While the flight model may be off a little I am extremely impressed that they have modeled a decent FRDS system in the firefighting variant that I can actually program for automated drops. I’ve been able to bind every button to my peripherals and can dial in a specific coverage drop using exactly how many gallons I want. That is pretty cool for a base aircraft.
I find it extremely difficult to take off from the water after filling the tanks at 60kts (almost like I’m glued to the water even at full power) but maybe that will get tweaked in the future. Either way it’s a very fun little aircraft.

For my first crop dusting mission, I made the mistake of not changing my controller setup and lazily left my Honeycomb Alpha yoke in the centre and throttle quadrant on the right. That really wasn’t a good combination, with the action button, to spray, on the right handle of the yoke, which would take my right hand away from the throttle lever.

Moving the throttle over to the left and putting my joystick in the centre, where they should be, made the whole process of managing speed and turning on the spray so much easier. :slight_smile:

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Is there a manual somewhere to give some information on the spray system controls? As mentioned, the available buttons don’t give details.

“Z” on the keyboard is the one I look at for the mapped commands. You might find that those commands are already mapped to one of your physical controller switches.

As far as the FRDS System in the firefighting variant I ended up watching this video to get an idea of how the real one works. MSFS models a much simpler version but this helps orient you on how to use it properly.


I would like to see more flight instruments added. Not enough information available with the very minimal current setup

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As much as I agree that more gauges would fill in the space I understand that as far as the utility of the aircraft there aren’t many more instruments you would need. All the engine readouts are on the little screen on the left and you have a compass below that (admittedly hard to read) on the lower panel.

One thing I would change is the location of the GPS to a more central spot on the main panel for easier long range navigation. (See picture below) Other than that you are mostly looking out the window and visually flying to the smoke.