MSFS2024 bad tree autogen wrong AI algorithm

MSFS2024 bad tree autogen location all over the world
must be an issue with fs2024 AI algorithm, fs2020 seems to be placing trees in a much better way than fs2024
the autogen of the trees is totally wrong. It looks like you are flying in pure woods all the time. The new simulator creates forests that don’t exist, pasture areas are now forests, some crop fields are detected as forests, trees that don’t exist in reality are now located all over the scenery
and some forest areas have no trese at all (like kourou in french guyana)
even after last update same issue

list of issues non exhaustive (see screenshot):
no trees in forest (kourou in french guyana)
trees in crop fields (martinique and guadeloupe and other places)
trees in iceland (there is no forest in iceland)

once again I m back to fs2020

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Please contribute to existing reports:
Trees covering crop fields
Iceland covered with trees
Trees not spawning/ desappearing when getting close since AAU2
Similar issue: WU6 ... lack of vegetation (trees) in Germany (e.g. near Würzburg, Dortmund, Koblenz, Ramstein etc.)

Thank you !