[MSFS2024] Beechcraft C90 GTX King Air

Please use this thread to provide general feedback and impressions about this aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. For all bug reports, please create a new topic (or upvote an existing topic) in the Aircraft & Systems section of the forums. Please use the full bug report template when creating a new bug report.

On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Flight Model and Aircraft Systems?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Interior and Exterior Graphics?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Audio and Aircraft Sounds?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate your Overall Enjoyment of this aircraft?
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Chocks are invisible even though they work and when I’m back in the cabin the cockpit door is closing, when I get closer it’s in the open position again.

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Exhaust Covers don’t appear to come off. I think that is why I can’t C&D start. Using the check list.
Have not been able to start it.
Does not save The registration Nmber.
What happed to photogamatry For PHX. This a manufactured scene.

Can’t load a FPL into the Collins? Or 350I

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Chocks seem to be a permanent fixture if you start on the ramp.

I removed all the chocks & covers on the walkaround, only to find that the walkaround chocks were replaced by new hard-coded chocks that had a different visual model, and no apparent control. Started engines and could not move the airplane by any means. I slewed into the air and the chocks followed the gear…


-Loaded on the runway and both PFDs are black screens. MFD ok.

-First 10% of throttle movement is very sensitive

Made a first flight…suddenly in FL200 first the right engine shut down, 5 minutes later also the left engine shut down ( fuel was enough). I saw a message like “aircraft malfunction”…anybody else has this issue ? I search in the settings to disable something like “failures”…any idea?


Same problem here, I can’t move this airplane from the ramp because the chalks are not visible on the walk around. When I enter the cockpit and go to the outside view they are there…

This makes the plane unusable.

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Why does the Collins always say no flight plan?

In the aircraft EFB, was there enough fuel entered?

Yes there was enough fuel on the EFB

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Lost my left engine on final. The co was no help but we managed. Had a Xfeed indication I couldn’t seem to clear, plenty of fuel. Save for the loosing an engine what a fun little airplane.
UPDATE: I moved every switch on the fuel panel to either “on” or “auto” and it cleared the xfeed warning. Will try a longer flight tomorrow and post back.
UPDATED UPDATE: That was it. Make sure your boost pumps are on and every switch on the panel is either ON or OVERRIDE. Hour long flight into KDCA and no problems save for the other issues people brought up. I just flew on heading hold and used my chart for visual navigation. Not ideal but it worked.

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Anyone knows where I can find a POH or performance tables of this plane?


Chocks were glitching out. They were not showing during the walk around/ preflight, but I could only see them after switching to external view from the cockpit. Had to take control of the character and click in front of the tire to remove the invisible chock.

Need door to stay open and not auto close yes chalks mot visible

^ All of this. Carenado makes some of the most frustrating planes. Absolutely useless plane right now.

Invisible chocks. How am I supposed to know the chocks are invisible?
Random issues like the Mixture or Prop levels moving completely back. No, nothing is mapped to them yet. However, R.Engine stopped during takeoff.

Who, in their right mind, ever let Carenado make any planes for Asobo. The systems depth, sound and interior modeling are kind of bad. Couple that with the plane barely working…

Still says no flight plan when there’s one entered.

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Yeah, did all that. I have BS King Air for 2020, which is study-level and very indepth, but this plane has a lot of bugs. My Right engine just stopped right during take off.
Why? The condition level decided to cut off. How? Impossible. Nothing is mapped to that. The Left one stayed put at flight.

Asobo, if you’re listening, stop releasing products like this. I understand you had server issues initially and that is not worth complaining over. That happens.
But when it comes to planes not working…you know…the very essence of flight simulation…this is unacceptable.


In VR for me, I can remove the chocks in walk mode but in external mode they are still visible. I was also unable to start the engines. CTRL + E starts both engines but not manually. However I eventually did get the right engine to start but left engine could not be started.

Almost all the planes and helicopters I have tried have issues. PC-24 is not working, no interaction whatsoever - only tried it in VR. I got the PD because of this particular aircraft and the two helis.

Please add Control Wheel Mounted SYNC button functionality. When the autopilot is NOT engaged, this button resets the vertical speed selected to the current vertical speed.

Please add ability to select all of the PFD and MFD side buttons from a hotkey or joystick buttons.