[MSFS2024] Cessna 152

Please use this thread to provide general feedback and impressions about this aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. For all bug reports, please create a new topic (or upvote an existing topic) in the Aircraft & Systems section of the forums. Please use the full bug report template when creating a new bug report.

On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Flight Model and Aircraft Systems?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Interior and Exterior Graphics?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Audio and Aircraft Sounds?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate your Overall Enjoyment of this aircraft?
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Any chance of allowing us to choose between “new MSFS2024” prop spinner and the more pointed “MSFS2020” spinner, also wheel pants or no wheel pants option for both. Thanks for modeling the wheel pants on the aerobat!!

The throttle control on the ground needs a lot of work. Very hard to taxi this and other GA aircraft on the ground with the right power settings. Takes to much power to start moving compared to real life and to maintain a quick walk pace. The FD CTSL and Robins are even worse.

The turn coordinator is non-functional on this plane.

This is my feedback for the non-aerobat C152

  • Strange rendering of text that is only legible once zoomed in (see image)
  • No sounds even after deleting the relevant aircraft folder and re-downloading
  • ADF dial not lit/blank
  • turn coordinator not working (but ball does work)

It’s a shame this didn’t get a makeover like the C172, it’s a great plane and I hope these bugs get sorted soon as I enjoy flying it.


Also unable to open door using the click spot on the inside door handle to get out of the airplane.


I find this 152 too sensitive to pitch inputs. Perhaps inertia is too low?

I agree with writings on the cockpit panel being scarcely visible if not zoomed

-Ice effects broken
-Cockpit lettering broken with increasing distance (not on Aerobat)
-Thermometer display instrument broken on both C 152s
-Propeller tip lets the headlight shine through at the right angle and changes color between standstill and rotating.
-Outdoor lighting is hardly visible during the day

you have to click left and then right mouse button :nerd_face:

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I have sound :people_hugging:

I noted this, too.

However, after landing and shutdown, I forgot to put the flaps up and powered up the aircraft again and lo and behold:

I even reloaded into the 152 after ending the flight and it remains lit and operational. Something here is awry.

EDIT: The issue comes back on a quit/restart of the sim, but toggling off/on the battery fixes it.

I noticed the text becomes more legible if you look away from it:

and this odd effect also shown in post 8, appears to be only in icy weather?

I would’ve said it was a windshield effect that could only be seen from inside.

I personally don’t think the ray traced dials add so much to warrant the downgrade in PG – if thats any part of the reason. I think the FS 2020 internal cockpit was perfectly fine.

Also: things like clouds and snow pass through the cockpit and reflections from ground scenery on the windshield are annoying. Cockpit has unknown light source at night.

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It’s not only perfectly fine, given the issues with 2024’s 152 internal cockpit, it’s better.


Also, stall horn doesn’t work. Unpowered stall with engine idle, wings level and coordinated develops in stall.

After shutdown the prop is spinning forever (fuel cut) and cannot start again. Have to restart through menu after every flight.

Has anyone ever seen the Pitot flag flying in the wind during preflight? because I never have but I have seen it blowing on the C172 G1000 for example.

and also – does anyone else think there is something odd about the weight and balance of the plane? I get that the system seems incomplete but what I mean is this: By default, the plane always wants to turn right. I always put an extra 4 gallons in the left wing and that makes it fly level but only for a while. As the tanks get empty, even though the left still has more, the plane starts to want to turn right again…at least for me on my system. Anyone else notice that or is it just my imagination?