[MSFS2024] CGS Hawk Arrow II

Please use this thread to provide general feedback and impressions about this aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. For all bug reports, please create a new topic (or upvote an existing topic) in the Aircraft & Systems section of the forums. Please use the full bug report template when creating a new bug report.

On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Flight Model and Aircraft Systems?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Interior and Exterior Graphics?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Audio and Aircraft Sounds?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate your Overall Enjoyment of this aircraft?
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I really like this plane, it’s very slow as expected but has a good cockpit for taking in the scenery. I did manage to tip it over whilst braking which I’m sure is realistic in such a light aircraft!

The cockpit view is very cozy, feels like flying around in a tent. I do wish those two zip pullers on either side would move around a bit with the g-forces like you see with keys or mic cables on some planes but that’s a very minor quibble. Does seem like it’d be a nice little sight seeing aircraft, handles easily as well. Although I did stall it and crash when playing silly buggers trying to land it in a very tight spot.

I need to try that Powrachute Sky Rascal next, it was also made by Blue Mesh so expecting it to be of similar quality.

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Does it seem odd that this has the “old” G3X implementation?

I mean, it does not have the G3X touch version that debuted with Sim Update 15.

Seems odd that’s all.

I love this aircraft. It will most definitely be a go-to for me whenever I want to do some short bush trips in something small. I can see myself having a lot of fun in this going forward. Great cockpit view, too!


Seems to have an overbearing light in the cockpit (NOT the alt+F flashlight) making it impossible to read instruments or see out the front window during night. Couldn’t find any way to turn it off.

Do you have a screenshot ?

@BlueMesh3192 Hi Jimmy, I hope you are well! I have to say I am enjoying your aircraft a lot ! As always. The best in the sim so far!
One comment though: I have done some testing (standard atmosphere, no winds, sea level) and at full load (1100 lbs/500 kg), one stage of flaps, the rate of climb is very low/poor and approaching stall very dangerously. I am only getting about 100/200 feet per min.

I have of course no real world experience in this particular aircraft, but I do have real world experience with conventional aircraft and an aircraft equipped with a rotax 912. With the 912, at only 500 kg, the aircraft should be capable of way more in terms of climb rate after take off. Especially in this STOL config.

Have a look at the screenshot below.

PS. all assistances have been disabled and all crash damages, engine stress damage etc have been removed.

Finally, from time to time, when I load the aircraft and start a flight (from cold and dark), I notice that I can’t obtain full RPM when I am full throttle on the runway, see below:

I am getting only 4432 RPM. However, when I use the slew mode to replace the aircraft to the starting point of the runway, and when I start again, now I get full power.

I hope this helps !


Hi, there is actually an issue that occur with the engine when you start in cold and dark. I’ll fix that in few days on my side, just had some issue with the sim the last weeks in dev mode.


Thank you very much !

I like this aircraft even tho I much prefer steam gauges, especially in VR. Flight characteristics are good but I can’t start at a parking spot as I can’t move or get into the aircraft. When I restart to start on the runway If I click on the left door to remove it immediately puts me outside the aircraft and I have to go back to main menu to restart as i can’t do anything. Neil.

In SU1 the internal reflections on the cockpit glass are very strong leading to a ‘banding’ effect on the glass.