MSFS2024 Instant VR Crash on top of the line system

My PC run MSFS just fince. Finally I got to configuring MSFS2024 for VR and I get an instant crash, either a CTD or a freeze, and last time it completely froze the whole PC and I had to hard reboot. I updated to latest beta and installed the latest NVIDIA drivers and all Win10 updates.
It’s a top-of-the-line PC - RTX4090, 7950X3D, 64Gb of DDR5 RAM etc.
I wonder what’s going on there and if there are any fixes or workarounds? I also got some issues with the flatscreen mode, a few CTDs but VR is an instant crash… Any advice?
I use Quest3 and Virtual Desktop (latest version).

Welcome to the club!!! I have no VR issues with FS2020 but FS2024, all of a sudden, it’s garbage. I’ve tried every setting, removed Steam, removed FS2024, downgraded the NVidia driver, reinstalled everything and nothing. In my opinion they released this product way to soon, it should have been named FS2026. I also have the same symptoms you do, top of the line hardware with soft and hard PC crashes when running FS2024.

Hi RomanDesign, nice to see you back. Sorry you having problems with FS2024.

I have no experience with Quest world, so using Virtual desktop with it etc. Hopefully those who do may have some insight.

Maybe just stick with the vanilla sim, not the beta, and try a fresh install of FS2024 with an empty community folder and things like that. Also, if you are on Steam version check file validation. I did that and found some files that failed and so just reinstalled, as in the new sim it only takes a short while. Also disabling anything like your motion simulator rig software, sim connect etc. Sometimes even an earlier Nvidia driver may help.

It’s a bit of a lottery at the moment in VR, as many of us have found. :frowning:

I was having a few VR freezes today in the MSFS 2024 SU1 Beta when I was trying out the new DLSS version with Preset J and specifically when I tried an override resolution of 4800x5xxx with DLSS balanced, where I found all 24GB of VRAM was being exhausted. Backing off the render resolution to default Virtual Desktop Godlike (3100x3xxx) and using DLSS Quality stopped the freezes.

As such, IMO if you are beta testing and/or pushing the limits with something else new like the latest DLSS version then you could be inducing your own freezes. I suggest you go back to default installs, including going back to the release version of MSFS 2024, and work your way up from there.

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I went to try beta because of the freezes, but they remained. I am overriding resolution with OpenXR Toolkit but I did try without it… I will try to disable it to the default, but I doubt it will help, as I only enabled it in the middle of testing, when I got to at least launch VR somehow. For now I’m using stock Medium VR Graphic settings. Even if I get a minute or two of VR (on DLSS Quality), it freezes after that…
I did not try replacing DLSS yet. I wanted to get it running stable first, before I do the optimization tricks. But so far it crashed on me every time, though sometimes I get a minute or two of VR…

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The reason I got to testing it is that I finished my 6DOF Motion Simulator build and I’m trying to get it to work with the sim. But freezes happen without the motion software too or anything else…
I just got like 30 seconds of motion while flying and it felt great… Only to freeze the PC totally after that.
I think the freezes are GPU-related. Feels like it. Have no idea what else to try yet… I can try the vanilla sim but I tried beta because it crashed, so not likely to help…

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Anytime I got freezes or crashes when I go into the sim (the full flight environment, not the start screens) I made sure to delete my shader cache.

I’ve been starting my sims (2020 and now 2024) using a batch file which deletes the shader cache and starts other programs (sky4sim, Oculus Tray Tool etc etc) as well as the sim itself and haven’t had a crash of this type in quite some time.

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I’m using a similar file, with branched Y/N prompts that launch accompanying software, but I haven’t incorporated the shader files deletions… I found some info about the caches and the scrips, modified paths for Steam version of MSFS and added the following code to the file. I have no idea if it helps, but it won’t hurt, so in case anyone can use it, here it is. Prior to using this you need to run elevated CMD as admin and run this:
cleanmgr.exe sageset:1
Then select only shader cache and run it once.
Then input the following in a .bat file and run it as admin. Change paths to yours and make sure they exist or the scripts can wipe the wrong files.

echo Cleaning Shader Cache and other caches.
cleanmgr.exe sagerun:1
CD c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\shadercache\1250410
DEL /S /Q /F *.*
CD c:\Users\Roman\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024\SceneryIndexes 
DEL /Q /F *.* 
rmdir /s /q "c:\Users\Roman\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024\SceneryIndexes\" 
CD c:\Users\Roman\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\GLCache 
DEL /S /Q /F *.* 
rmdir /s /q "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\GLCache\" 
CD c:\Users\Roman\AppData\LocalLow\NVIDIA\PerDriverVersion\DXCache\ 
DEL /Q /F *.* 
rmdir /s /q "c:\Users\Roman\AppData\LocalLow\NVIDIA\PerDriverVersion\DXCache\" 
CD c:\Users\Roman\AppData\Roaming\NVIDIA\ComputeCache
DEL /Q /F *.* 
rmdir /s /q "c:\Users\Roman\AppData\Roaming\NVIDIA\ComputeCache\" 
ECHO All caches deleted!

OK, so after cleaning shader caches I haven’t had a crash in an hour session! But I also disabled a very mild GPU overclock - enabled it later and it seems to not cause problems (which makes sense as it didn’t before). I also disabled OpenXR Toolking completely. So that may also be a culprit, though I wasn’t overriding the resolution. Will try to reenable and test. But this is promising, at least it’s possible to get VR without miiediate crashes. Now if I could only get the toolbar in VR. Such a nasty bug with such a basic functionality…

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Today I spent some time figuring out the poor VR performance and came up with very good results. I uninstalled FS2024, I then did a Windows 11 Repair. The repair process reinstalled the most current NVidia driver and reinstalled FS2024. I switched the graphics settings to NVidia and WOW, great performance once again.

For the toolbar in VR, keep moving the mouse while tapping the Tab button (I can’t remember if Tab is the default toolbar button or if I set that manually?), it usually eventually plays ball for me.

My script is similar, I don’t touch the scenery indexes though, and I also pipe a ‘Y’ to automate the script so I don’t need to prompt any responses:

(Edit: I use the MS Store version)

Hi man. Sorry you’re having those issues.

Were you using Foveated Rendering?
Did you check Event Viewer for the crash report?

Yes, I was using FFR and I haven’t looked at the Event Viewer, usually it’s not helpful…

Turn off Foveated and try again. I had the same thing and that with DLSS was the culprit.

More info trail: VR mode, in MSFS menu, suddenly crash with nvwgf2umx.dll, flightsimulator2024.exe 0xc0000005 - #8 by Baracus250

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No more crashes after disabling foveated rendering. Too sad, cause FFR gives me a lot of performance.

It looks like FFR caused the crashes. I did some flying/testing yesterday with turbo on, resolution override to 3700 and FFR off and I had no crashes.

Yep :+1:
Correct lol