Yea, i don’t need my buddy to have the 1:1 exact same cloud formation as i do at all times, although that would be preferred if possible for obvious reasons (iirc DCS managed to pull of full cloud syncing when they updated their clouds a few years ago)… but at least the general gist of things should be equal.
As it currently stands, it’s not.
There have been cases when one of us had to initiate a detour to evade the weather with the other person being fine for that moment, but then 15mins later the other person also needs to detour, but in the opposite direction…
To clarify what i mean: imagine route tracking west, player 1 needs detour towards north because weather, 15mins later player 2 needs detour towards south due to weather. All of that in “live weather”.
Stuff like that is really breaking things for me and as you mentioned in your initial post, is a regression compared to 2020.
If you happen to find a workaround pls let me know… Other than that, let’s keep our fingers crossed MS/Asobo will tackle the issue asap.
I believe the underlying issue is more to do with the ‘sim time’ & the disconnect of the cloud positions from that rather than the clever cloud drawing technique, so the “exact same” should be as doable as anything else if the time connection is fixed. MSFS has a sneaky challenge that the time you spawn into the sim has issues (the time isn’t what you set in the Flight Conditions, surprisingly) and that may be a ‘gotcha’ as Asobo try to fix the clouds. If you reset the time after you spawn onto the airport then that can make it ‘correct’ but the clouds won’t adjust.
We’ve discovered if the WPR / PLN / FLT are wrapped into an otherwise empty MISSION, then loading that mission does guarantee the start position of the clouds. But MULTIPLAYER seems blocked if you start a flight that way so that avenue’s a bust for us too. But definitely workable for single-player. For that flight (i.e. mission) I’ve copied the load-in images below, two different players loading the mission at different times independently. If we really needed to we could have the ‘flight planning’ tool we use output a zipped up mission instead of just a PLN, but that would be a massive workaround only for single player.
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That is really interesting, and the screenshots absolutely speak for themselves.
I really hope you’re right on with your assumption because that would mean squashing multiple issues at once provides Asobo/MS are tackling the time desync.
Also i love the way you found a work-around, if the game would allow multiplayer missions that could be really viable depending on how cumbersome the flight planning / mission creation tool you mentioned really is.
If it really is about the start pos of clouds, which i don’t doubt, that work around would even work with live weather if there was a way to start MP missions…
I’m glad it’s still early in the game’s lifecycle, that’s for sure.
Any update on this issue, e.g. is it logged as a bug, is there a workaround where two people can launch MSFS2024 and get the same clouds, or is there a fix in SU1 ?