Please use this thread to provide general feedback and impressions about this aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. For all bug reports, please create a new topic (or upvote an existing topic) in the Aircraft & Systems section of the forums. Please use the full bug report template when creating a new bug report.
On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Flight Model and Aircraft Systems?
On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Interior and Exterior Graphics?
On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Audio and Aircraft Sounds?
On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate your Overall Enjoyment of this aircraft?
Overall, I’m quite impressed with the aircraft. Quite a few major systems components are not integrated now, and I would like to see these fixed. Below in order of priority are some of the things I’ve encountered missing so far.
The FADEC is essentially not modeled, there is no MCP or TO detent on the throttle and the engine temps and torques as well as power settings are incorrect for the PT6. I’m happy to provide more accurate numbers if a developer wishes to reach out.
The pressurization system is not modeled at all right now.
Autothrottle chases itself quite badly and is unable to maintain speeds well
Flap transit time is far too fast.
Fuel pump in auto position are on for both tanks, they should only be on for start and when balancing fuel, for example if the right tank is higher fuel the right fuel pump will run. The limit for this is an imbalance of 68 pounds or greater for more than one minute and the high side pump will run.
With just standby power on the standby attitude indicator should not be powered.
I will continue to edit this post with more issues found.
The biggest problem I have in VR is the autopilot panel doesn’t “capture” the mouse properly. That’s actually not the right word, but what I mean is that as you move the mouse over controls in VR, the mouse aligns to the plane of the controls in depth so that 3d wise it looks like the mouse is actually on the control.
In the PC-12 NGX the mouse floats “above” the autopilot controls making it nearly impossible to actually use them because you can’t tell which control you are targeting.
Also I’m finding the screens really hard to read, compared to other aircraft in FS2020 but this might be a setting I haven’t found yet.
Only other issue I had was it is super quiet? Is this correct? I can BARELY hear the prop even with my audio full up.
I managed to start it up but it won’t move, I don’t know if there is some sort of invisible wheel chock and I tried to click at the wheels but it still won’t move. So I gave up trying to fly it
The frequency change touchscreen buttons on the PFD seem to affect the cabin pressure controls in the bottom MFD. The top and bottom MFD are swapped in the smaller touch screen below the bottom MFD that handles the keyboard and radio settings (don’t know what it’s called)
I can confirm that approach and altitude issues are due to the autopilot not reacting fast enough to speed changes (lowering gear, etc). The AP trim is not fast enough.
Entering a Holding works fine, but plane does not exit on holding, i had to complete the flight in Heading-Mode, because it was not possible to select a next waypoint in FMS-Sequence.
Is it just for me that the plane wants to dive into the ground then using FLC or VS? Even if I manually fly with VS +1000 and turn on the A/P it will still dive into the ground until it finally starts to climb again
I have the same problem. In Front of the glareshield the seems to be an unvisible glass-wall. The mouse can not be moved behind it.
Little Workarround: if you look throug the left eye only and bring the mousepointer in one line with the button or control, you can push the button. Even if the mousepointer is “miles away” on the invisible glass-wall.