[MSFS2024] Pilatus PC-12 NGX

yeah, that’s what Im seeing… I wondered if somewhere it was possible to get a time/distance countdown as you do on the Garmin.

Anyone know why the landing gear won’t fully extend? free flight Series X su1 beta

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can confirm. I’m in SU1 beta and the pressurization issue persists.

Oh this thread to long to look for an answer for my question. Search didnt find any.
I experience loss of control input right after landing with this plane. Cant put throttle to idle with my binding to it. The breakes do work, but with throttle still on 20-30%, the plane just continue forward. Kinda need the length of a large runway to be able to stop this way.
I have to go cursor mode to be able to adjust throttle, and I guess most of you know how it ends that way lol. (Playing on xboxX with standard xbox controller. Im not in the beta version atm due to all the CTDs)
Is this a known issue for this plane, or am I doing something wrong that causes this?

change your throttle binding from THROTTLE AXIS or THROTTLE 1 AXIS to THROTTLE 1 AXIS (0 to 100%)

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That did work! Thank you very much :smiley:

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Anyone know, what control the Low Prop button is assigned to?

I use my keyboard without a problem. Did you click/select the keyboard icon?