[MSFS2024] Pilatus PC-24

So why didn’t they see obvious issues like avionics not working, menus not showing in VR and not showing in 2D anymore, developer planes not showing up and so on even though they said all addons would be compatible. What were their QA doing, we are?

Well, that really depends on what QA resources they had :wink: Want to see something funny? Check out the weight of PC-24 in career and free flight :wink:

we are their QA.


Auto-Throttle is not smooth (control loop). throttle swivels up, then throttles back down again, then up again.


this is an heuristic known as autopilot chasing. it’s the consequence of a poorly written autopilot algorithm, and manifests as porpoising (AP hunts up and down overshooting and undershooting set altitude), dutch roll (AP hunts left and right overshooting and undershooting track), and throttle oscillation (AT hunts high and low overshooting and undershooting stable speed setting).

all the MSFS 2024 GA planes exhibit it to one degree or another, but the autothrottle oscillation on the Pilatus planes and the dutch roll and porpoising on the C208B are particularly bad.


I want to love this aircraft so much, but there are too many things making it unreliable and frustrating.

  • It does not save avionics settings. I have to change the barometer type to hPa every time loading it.
  • The VNAV is completely broken. I find myself having to use VNAV almost all the time for decend.
  • LNAV can be unreliable and difficult to properly couple.
  • It is not possible at all to add a value for custom constraints in the flight plan. Selecting the field does not open the keyboard on the mini display.
  • The auto throttle is extremely flaky and struggles with holding a speed. It accelerates to a point where it goes beyond the target speed, goes to full idle taking it below the target speed and keeps doing this in a loop.
  • For some reason it complains about the take off configuration even though flaps are set to 15 degrees, trim is in the green and everything else seemingly is fine.
  • It does not pressurize the cabin apparently, flashing a red warning constantly.
  • It complains about pitot heat before take off, even though IPS is set to auto.

you have to press the tiny keyboard icon hidden away on the MFD, and then the input box will turn purple and you can type values in with your physical keyboard.

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I think this is because the pitot heat is not on in the auto mode (as demonstrated by losing airspeed in icing conditions with it in auto)

Additionally the avionics allow flyover points to be entered but they are not respected by the avionics

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This did the trick, thank you!

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Is there a dedicated knob or switch for the pitot heat then, and if so; where is it?

Funnily enough it actually does and the red warning is a bug. Or it doesn’t but hypoxia is turned off in this plane.

You you press the big pressurize button on the copilots side? (cc @pibu9912)

It doesn’t do anything. AFAIR pressing that oxygen thing is part of preflight checklist. But pressurization mechanism knobs are all inops so you can’t even control climb/descent or press difference, you can however dump pressure which (afair) does lead to hypoxia. It either is or is not pressurized. I think that CJ4 has the option to regulate pressure difference (or maybe it was the other cessna jet).

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Now that the plane works, I absolutely love it!

@ speedwayst4r
I believe its never worked for me, however, I just very recently starting using the Pilatus PC-24, so not 100% certain.

@ speedwayst4r

So I just found out something, and your post made me realize this… on the Pilatus 24, I have never been able to start the right engine, for any mission that uses this plane. After viewing your post, I went to start checking what settings were default for this, on my Honeycomb bravo throttle quadrant, and I realized the 2 levers for prop MIXTURE controls, seems to affect the fuel flow, and because most of the missions I fly are single engine props, my LEFT mixture setting is usually always up, but my RIGHT mixture setting (used for dual prop) was down, but putting it up, seems to let the RIGHT engine start!! So possibly, they inadvertently bound the prop mixture levers, by default…


Feedback on the Pilatus PC-24 in MSFS 2024

Hi everyone,

First off, I’d like to say that the Pilatus PC-24 is an amazing aircraft to fly, and I’m excited to see how it evolves in MSFS 2024. While it’s clear that the model isn’t fully polished yet, I trust that one day it will be perfected. Thank you to the team for bringing this unique jet to the sim!

I’d also like to share a detail I’ve noticed during my time in Career Mode, and I apologize if this has already been mentioned:

  • When flying cargo missions with the PC-24, the runways assigned for these flights are often too short and not well-suited for this aircraft. While the PC-24 is known for its impressive STOL capabilities, the runways I’ve encountered in Career Mode are almost more appropriate for ultra-STOL aircraft. This has been the case for over 50% of the flights I’ve done with it.

For context, the PC-24 is my second-most-used aircraft in Career Mode after the 737 Max, so I’ve had a lot of experience with these missions.

I hope this feedback can help improve the Career Mode experience for this aircraft in the future. Once again, thank you for bringing such a fantastic jet to MSFS 2024!

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the default throttle config is set up for the Cessna 172, with throttle on 1, mixture on 2. that would explain certainly explain our problem. glad you found the solution.

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I need someone to test something for me. I was flying a medical transport mission and I always have problems with them, because autopilot always banks 30 degrees. There is BNK setting but it didn’t work… or did it?
I noticed that when you click it there is more than one click sound (I think there are 3, or maybe 4?), so I thought that maybe it turns on, then off but the light stays on. So I fiddle with it and I was able to click it so that there were 2 (or maybe 3) clicks. And then… a 70 degree turn with banking up to 20 degrees, so it seems it actually worked. As you can see below I set HDG to a 90 degree turn and it performed it at lower bank angles.

But then I engaged NAV again and as it started turning right, it reached 30 degrees bank anyway… So I tested again with 90 degree turn to the right using HDG and it worked too

However when NAV is engaged there are no constraints… which baffles me because the first turn I mentioned was performed to the left using NAV…

(Notice there is no magenta line at the turn coordinator part of the PFD)

Yea! I believe that’s exactly it!