MSFS2024 - Starting from the air (airborne) altitude

I would appreciate a lot if someone could please explain to me:

  1. how to set the fligt start altitude (once the departure location has been set).
  2. how to set the aircraft’s altitude (during flight).

If I’m not mistaken, to set altitude during flight in MSFS2020, it was enough to press the Y key…

Any suggestions ?
Thanks very much !

Moved to User Support Hub that is more appropriate for community support.

Click the EFB button above the “start flight”

Top right you can set it there.

This does not work for me, I set my plane to 1500ft AGL today to be set up for a landing and the simulator kept kicking me up to 4000ft.

Unfortunately does not work.

I am a glider pilot and that I’d like to use msfs2024 to familiarize with orography.
So, I select a glider, set a starting point (not an aerodrome or airport) and I try follow the instructions:

  • set FL50 on EFB ‘Cruise Altitude’. I imagine it’s QNH.
  • clicked on ‘present flight plan to avionic’ and ‘atc’
  • clicked on ‘start flight’

But starting altitude always remain the same: 850 meters (QNH) !!!


  • that the course of the tow plane is completely useless for gaining altitude (it’s a random straight line far from mountains and lifts)
  • the impossibility to set a starting altitude

msfs2024 it’s a hasty purchase of which, for the moment, I am completely dissatisfied.

I hope someone could help me to understand how to set starting altitude.
And also, to vary altitude during flight.

Thanks all. Bye

I think that the only option is to use “slew mode” to slew the aircraft up or down after loading into the sim. Might want to check your control bindings to enter slew mode and increase / decrease altitude.