Has anyone heard anything on the multi monitor support other than the obscure “2022” note?
Not a titter. We live in hope.
Multi-monitor support without losing a major % of FPS for each view will likely require the full DX12 port. I would not be surprised to see them come together. Though to be clear, multi-view will definitely cost you some FPS. P3D, for example, has gotten it down to about a 5-15% FPS loss per view, depending on the setup. But honestly I suspect it’ll be late 2022. They really need to get this one right. I’m impatient but I’d rather they did it properly first time around.
I dont anticipate them getting it right for a couple of years. History dictates a long, rough road.
Better yet would be nice to see use of the other Intel based GPU to help offset the demand on the primary AMD or NVIDIA cards. Perhaps even for just some of the panel or other graphics. Maybe that could even be used as an alternate for the multimon support?
What I want is what P3D has and FSX had - multiple view windows, each of which can show a panel, cockpit view, or outside view, and which can be placed on any attached display (and on another GPU / internal GPU if the display is attached to one). But ultimately what I need is the ability to define multiple view frustums precisely that have been calculated by Fly-Elise NG to create a wraparound display of 180 degrees+. I appreciate that this is the most advanced use-case but it’s easy to do with the FSX view model and P3D has just made it easier.
Until they tell us what they’re working on, we won’t know if it will suit our use-cases or not.
@neilhewitt I completely forgot about FSX’s multiple views capabilities.
This is an area that Xplane does really well. The MSFS implementation should certainly consider a similarly good level of control and user interface.
I anticipate they will try a system that will attempt to break the mold but only, once again BREAK THE SIM.
Beautiful setup indeed mate! I will try to post a picture of mine if I can figure out HOW!
I would be happy with just 2 views that WORK CORRECTLY. I will NOT hold my breath.
The “other” flight sim had a very adjustable multi monitor setup. We shall see if we get a workable setup someday. If it is not very workable and stable, they should NOT release it.
We have really no details yet other than some very vague comments from Martial. I hope I’m wrong, but the comments about struggling with field of view distortion have me concerned that they’re trying to recreate nVidia Surround in the sim vs giving us multiple views.
Well, if it is not way better than the XPlane Multi Monitor setup/operation, It will be a huge letdown for a lot of people. Of course, the ones waiting for the Multi Monitor release have already sent Microsoft their $$$.
Just the same as Xplane would be nice.
Plus, the checks written for high end monitors, cables, add-ons and such. It is quite unfortunate that with my system, I could very well have thrown a ton of money down the Microsoft crapper as before.
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