Through out the year, flysimmers like me, who has been enjoying the flying in msfs, the beautiful scenary and the amazing sunsets, I’ve never feel enough to see those scenaries. First, thank the MSFS team for bringing us such a good graphics experience.
Hoever, I believe there’s a lot of players, in face there has already been a lot of discussion about should MSFS support Multi threading. From my perspective, the answer is DEFINITLY YES !!!. You may wonder why as we’ve already have DLSS implemented, I will explain it after introducing how important is multi threading.
MSFS Is a mainly single threaded game, and it is not well optimized for multicores, this results the CPU cannot proccess imformation fast enough to feed the GPU, it is bottle necked. I understand There will always be a bottlen neck in a system, however, according to the community and my own feeling about this bottle neck issur, the bottleneck resulted by cpu, is way too common and in my case, my gpu is not even 50 percent utilised, thus resulted massive perfomance decrease.
Now, the FPS displayed by the “MSFS Developer tool” Should be the FPS with out DLSS enhancement, and the FPS Displayed by MSI after burner is what comes out after the DLSS. As you can see, without DLSS, the FPS displayed is only 20 fps and I can almost double the framerate just with DLSS. However, this is some how really not enough as you can see on the MSI after burner, My GPU is only 55 degrees, my GPU usage can’t even reach 50 percent, at the same time, My CPU is Fighting as hard as it can.
Thus If Multithreaded is implemented, this could improve the original FPS and Utilise DLSS better. Now, lets explain why Multithreading is more importand than DLSS.
The Information will be proccessed by the CPU, and the GPU will create the images using the information given by the CPU, then display out. Now, its clear that in MSFS, CPU cannot proccess information fast enough due to itself being single threaded and not well optimized for multicore. resulted the GPU can only rely on the small amount information given by the CPU. Thus resulted low FPS and poor performance.
The reason I said Multithreading is more Importand than DLSS, because in simple term, DLSS Renders and Gernerate the footage that has been produced by the GPU, however if the GPU itself cannot produce enough frames, DLSS cant do much, it is a rendering tool, it doesn’t magically generate FPS. Thus Providing a Higher quality of Footage will eventually Enhance DLSS with the addition of multithreading. As the GPU will be better utilised.
This feature will Enhance the overall performance of MSFS, for the players who doesnt have a Very high end PC with a graphics card that supports DLSS 3 or a player who doesnt have a 13th gen i9, this will be such a good news, and would allow MSFS be more compatible on more middle and low end PCs.
To Prove this idea is correct, I used DCS, a simulator that currently have both single and multicore supported. (DCS Does Not have DLSS supported so I can show you how much just implement multithreading can do to improve overall performance)
Multi-Threaded Multiplayer server test : (4YA FOW PVP EU Openbeta)
Single-Threaded Multiplayer server Test : (4YA FOW PVP EU Openbeta)
Multi-Threaded Single player test :
Single-Threaded Single player Test :
The results shown that In Multiplayer, the implement of Multithreading has doubled the FPS on my computer, In single player, It has trippled the FPS on my computer. Its Important to mention that During multi player, My RAM became the bottleneck thus the FPS is just there.
Thus I hope MSFS team can implement multithreading after seeing this message, maybe there wont be a lot of people voting for this as the Implement of DLSS did made significant improvement, but I really hope MSFS will implement Multi-threading as the key of MSFS is its graphics quality, at the same time with a enjoyable experience with the smoothness of the footage.