Multiplayer do you use it?


Do most on here enable multiplayer or keep it disabled always?, or use it only in certain situations. like to have some fun, disable it when you want to concentrate on a flight plan, e.g

Just curious really.

Iā€™m not using multiplayer most of the time, nor AI traffic.
Iā€™m good in my cockpit simulating my own flight alone, thatā€™s the way I like it mostly.


Yes it provides great entertainment using the Drone showcase camera and watching people try to land without landing gear or other crazy stuff.


Random multiplayer traffic is mostly F/A-18s doing barrel rolls in front of you and A320s at St. Barth, not really improving the immersion. So most of the time, off.


Not for me at all , I have never used it and never will. I too like to be alone always. Multiplayer in this particular game will give it a very arcadey feel.

Is there a GTA5-style Invite Only function? Because I do acknowledge flying around with 2 or 3 friends would be fun - kinda like what Trent Palmer does IRL with his friends.

The Invite Only would mean we can enjoy the open world without seeing crazy hordes of 747s and Hornets.

On another note I do love watching AirForceProuds YT videos on FSX multiplayer

ā€œUhhhhā€¦ we have like a hot air balloon doing mach 1ā€



No, never. Live weather, live traffic. Thatā€™s it.


Not with everyone flying, but like to do multiplayer, and live traffic with select friends.

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Disabled, I fly on VATSIM.


Iā€™ve had multiplayer disabled for probably a year. I donā€™t personally know anyone whoā€™s interested in flight simming, and I donā€™t want to see random strangers flying around in fighter jets.


You all make good points, I just wasnā€™t sure what was best. Thanks everyone.

I tend to have MP on, unless Iā€™m trying to narrow down the cause of poor performance. Itā€™s nice to land at an airport and see another player there.

I do often see other players in jet planes, or what appear to be airliners doing crazy stunts, which I assume are players flying dlc fighters, which I do not have. Fighters have zero interest for me.


Never use it. Disabled since I first started out July 2021.


Multiplayer always off. Live weather and live traffic always on.


Always have multiplayer on and 99.9% of the time itā€™s just normal people flying normally. Had many great moments of random encounters with people flying the same plane that lead to some great formation flights.

Will never fly without it on. Adds a lot to the experience.


Everything multiplayer and online-features or ā€œLive-serviceā€ related: Unlike RTX always off. :smiley:

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Never. It sucks. So does VATSIM.


I think multiplayer is fun at times, especially with a few friends, and doing a group flight.

VATSIM isnā€™t for everybody. Unfortunately with VATSIM, the controller side of things has gotten very serious, and wanting to be an exact simulation of IRL ATC. The pilot side has remained where itā€™s always been, a bunch of hobbyists, playing airline pilot, and no where near the serious level that the controllers want them to be at. This has, and is currently, leading to conflict between the two, making VATSIM less fun at the moment.


With over 6,500 hours on VATSIM myself (most flying light GA) pilot quality is an issue at times. VATSIM is open arms to those who are new however if a controller calls your callsign five times or you file a flight plan get a reroute and read it back and end flying your original filed route itā€™s a problem.

The number of experienced controllers probably far outweighs the number of experienced pilots for the simple fact that controllers are required to take rigorous training. Pilots on the other hand are not required to, a rather basic entry exam is all that is required to join the network. Many new pilots will and do get better with time. I know some personally that were rather clueless in the beginning and now are experienced. A few of which I have taught and some are now controllers.

Personally for me I absolutely love VATSIM and flight simulation isnā€™t the same without it. Stock MP is the Wild West and I have no interest in that. In fact FSX MP is the reason why I signed up for VATSIM. After my first flight I never did return to FSX MP.


Just wondering if I donā€™t have Xbox live sub on my Xbox can I still stream all the online data such as photogrammetry, live weather.

I presume multiplayer would not work but hoping other online service would still, can anyone confirm?

MP isnt for everyone i guess

i leave mp turned on and set a hotkey to disable the nametags in game when i dont care to see them - you can have your cake and eat it too so to speak

i do recommend everyone to find a group on twitch or youtube and jump in the game to fly with them just once at the least
flying with a group of friends can be an absolute blast in my opinion

by nature simming is kinda solitary, and the fact most sims have not really done a good job on mp hasnt helped, its one of the few things they got ā€˜almost rightā€™ this time :stuck_out_tongue: