MultiPlayer Event Saturday, May 15th, 2021 - Idaho - Flight Sim Break

Multiplayer Event


Date / Time 05/15/21 - 02:00 PM CDT (1400) /// 1900 UTC
Sim: Microsoft Flight Simulator
Server: EAST USA
Departure ICAO: ID86
Arrival ICAO: PZ12
Aircraft: Savage Cub, C152 with STOL Mod, Default Standard GA aircraft
Route: See Attachment Below

Flight Conditions

If weather permits we will fly this route with live weather enabled. If you feel uncomfortable with the weather conditions you can use any preset you like. We are not flying at extreme altitudes and icing should not be an issue, as long as the cloud layer is above the valleys we are perfectly safe.

WEATHER & TIME: Daytime, Live weather or player Choice.

Required Files - They **DO NOT** exist in MSFS, but are part of the event!

Please visit Discord below for other files and recommendations for event!

Other Information

Please post event screenshots in the #screenshots channel.
Voice channel highly recommended even if you can’t speak. We tend to have a lot of fun in voice :wink: We also announce breaks and additional info in voice chat and we help you with flying techniques if you have questions. You are NOT required to join in Voice. We also have a TEXT channel to participate. If can’t voice chat cause of family, noise, etc… but can at least listen in in voice that will help. Also, not everyone has a headset or microphone, and we understand that.

Make sure your Discord Desktop APP is running before clicking on the link to join!

MSFS Flight Plan

Load at the beginning of the event for a VFR map even in Steam version aircraft. If you have to restart or want to change aircraft. The FP will go away. But ALL you have to do is follow the group.

VFR Deadwood Dam (ID86) to Cougar Basin (PZ12).pln (11.0 KB)

Joining Event

If you have to leave early or join late due to family or other obligations, it is NOT a problem. Sometimes real life takes priority during events. Just fly with us as long as you can, and have FUN!

MSFS Flight Plan Alternative

Load this one if the above one does not work. Or you can just follow people on that day!

VFR Deadwood Dam (ID86) to Cougar Basin (PZ12)FSXP3D.pln (9.1 KB)

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Added scenery Bush Trips Idaho and Oregon, Need the Dewey Moore airport scenery. You have to load the ENTIRE pack, check the ReadMe in the package. After event you can delete it all if need be!

Check the Discord link for additional files if you want Details!

That will be some populated bush strips :smiley:

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Yes it will, and fun too. Just flew the test flight. Had a blast.

Come on down and join in the fun folks, I won’t be able to fly it all I don’t think but I can certainly fly most hopefully! Looking forward to it.

Can’t wait to see ALL of us trying to land here! Band Aids needed :slight_smile:

12 hours till the event! See you there!

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I hope I can join… but still some garden work to do lol

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I will definitely be joining today. Downloaded all the scenery! Flew some of it . Very nice!

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Two hours to the Idaho Event! If your gonna fly with us today. Join the Discord to download the files for the event. Test your headphones and mic’s!

No problem. Leave early or join late. We understand people have life things to take care of :slight_smile:

One hour to start of Idaho event! This is your last reminder. Hope to see you there! Should be a lot of FUN! Remember it’s about the FUN!

Whooooohooooooo group flight again!!!

Come fly with us! Probably about 3 hours or so left of the event!

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1st video of the Idaho event!

Idaho Event!

Last Idaho video!