My 2070 SUPER VR settings and suggestion (Reverb G2 - WMR)

No I didn’t try with the G2 for a a few weeks now, mostly using the Index to benefit from 5:1 motion smoothing.

It would be nice if you do the test, with your methodology and good sense you can judge the performance very accurately.

Incredible !. I had a fantastic view in my Reverb G2, TAA 100 and SS 100 for both the JF Piper Arrow P28 and the A320NX. After placing an extension cable between the Reverb and the power socket, the picture became terribly bad. After removing the extension cable, the picture was fine again. Presumably the quality of the extension bell was not good, and / or there was interference with other power cables

I7 8700k, RTX 2070S

Thanks. I am a bit desperate because it looks like the FOV left side of the left eye has shrinked a little bit on the left side of the left eye, I am just wishing it is a config issue and not the hardware.

VRK is indeed nice as a kneeboard with autozooming when you look at it, but has it’s own shortcomings (you can’t use any app in VRK).
When using Reverb G2 why don’t you bring your entire desktop to VR from the Cliff House via the Follow Me function and why don’t you use it as oversized kneeboard? I use it daily to display my nav app, PDF checklist and charts and OneNote to make notes with my Wacom tablet

I tried it once, and got terrible stutters and crashes. Even bringing the WMR menu to bring in the desktop resulted in crashes in 50% of cases. And I could not interact with the desktop. But I didn’t think about using my Wacom tablet. And I think it floated with my head, instead of staying in one place in my VR space, although I didn’t try hard to sort this out. So you are saying it actually works well now? There were several updates so maybe it is better now. Can you share how exactly are you using this? Can you make it stick in one spot (knees or where the tablet should be in the cockpit), and are you able to write effortlessly with a Wacom stylus without jumping through the hoops?

Run the desktop in the Cliff House, enable Follow me and only then start VR in the sim, this will eliminate the need to open WMR menu while already in the sim.
To interact with the desktop Alt-Tab from the sim to any app on the desktop or hide the sim window by pressing the Windows key and minimizing the sim window.
To keep the desktop on your virtual knees, disable the Follow Me function while in the sim (Follow Me must be enabled only to bring the desktop from the Cliff House to the cockpit). To make the desktop smaller and more legible consider lowering the desktop resoultion to 1280x720 before launching the sim.
There are several posts on this forum with links to YouTube tutorials how to do it step by step.
What makes things easier for me is the hardware panel I built, so I can keep my mouse/stylus all the time focused on the desktop, I don’t need mouse or keyboard to interact with the cockpit. But even without such panel you can relatively easy switch between the cockpit and desktop interaction.
As any other app on the desktop, OneNote works without issues with my tablet, you can use any app supporting drawing with the tablet, it’s just ordinary app on ordinary desktop with the tablet and stylus.


Thanks. We’ll see what happens when controller support is enabled, maybe it will be less clunky then, and there won’t be need to switch between apps.

Just a quick note about the upcoming optimization when using WMR and SteamVR, which is taking a little more time than anticipated but seems to be on tracks for a release in a few weeks or so:


Sounds interesting…

The latest WMR for SteamVR beta now includes the upcoming changes I’ve written about a few posts above:

Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR - Steam News Hub

Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR Beta has been updated to build 1.3.6. This build contains the following changes:

  • Adds support for titles that submit frames using alternate poses (e.g. GTA V R.E.A.L. mod).
  • Adds support for an upcoming Steam feature to override the visible field of view for individual titles.
  • Reworks how graphics buffers are shared with SteamVR, reducing overall GPU memory utilization in most cases.
  • Introduces a setting to enable correction of the hidden area to fix potential sources of light bleed. The setting is listed as Apply hidden area stencil correction to cure visual artifacts in the periphery

This is exciting! Thanks for letting me know. Can you please test it with G2 and see how FPS compare with WMR and also, most importantly, if motion reprojection works well? On my RTX3080/5900X when I was trying to get flyable setting, surprisingly I got noticeably better FPS in SteamVR in the same landing challenge (30 to 40 vs 24-26), however while WMR could do very smooth motion reprojection at >22.5FPS, SteamVR reprojection was terrible. It felt like it’s overcompensating and it was very jittery, almost like bad head tracking - but the head tracking was fine with reprojection off. I will also test sometime soon.

I won’t be able to try anytime soon the G2 unfortunately, I’ve been using the Index only for the last 2 months.

If you’re using a headset using the SteamVR compositor (Index, Vive) you can “tweak” the motion smoothing with excellent results down to 6:1. I was using 4:1 before WU3 but have to use 5:1 since because of the perf. Here is a recent post (but search my posts with 22.5 or 18 and you’ll find plenty!)

Weird experience in VR - Virtual Reality (VR) / General - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

Thank you for the update Mon Capitaine,

Still no good on the G2 for me, performance is still bad for the equivalent resolution and lots of stutter.

Very best,


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You mean still G2 trough SteamVR is worse than direct OXR?

Yes it is worse with SteamVr

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@RomanDesign, do those gloves enable the little bubbles in the fingers to enable you to “feel” the switches and dials, etc.? Because if they do, that could be a total game changer by enabling people to create those on their own, or for the price of purchasing the parts from your friendly local 3D printer owner, which I very well may be soon!

But what about all those electronics, are they readily available, inexpensive, and easy for your average Joe Sixpack to install themselves?

JL, I may be able to hook you up soon, at least with the plastic pieces. As I already mentioned, I can’t personally help with the electronics, but I expect they’d be available at any Radio Shack, if there were any of those left, anyway.

Total, total gamechanger. But I already said that.

Being able to sell those for profit (or give a set away to a friend, or even multiple friends, as long as I don’t get too many friends) is enough reason all by itself for me to order that bad boy today! The only thing giving me pause is fear of the wife going Puerto Rican on my bootie. Stand by, I may have nooz very, very soon. Or at least as soon as she finishes doing her hair LOL…

This is a DIY project, very cheap and it’s in development. It’s working in WteamVR without haptics for now, he’s adding haptic feedback via servos that would stop the sensing wires. LucidVR Budget Haptic Glove |
I’m not aware of any reasonably-priced commercially available consumer level haptic gloves.

@RomanDesign nor am I, which is one reason I already ordered a printer this morning. My wife isn’t thrilled, but she did come around on the idea, or at least did a great job pretending that she did in any event lol…