My CH Pro Brakes no longer works since SU12

After SU12, my CH Pro Brakes are not working correctly.

I have re-calibrated them to no avail.

Help anyone.

No issues with my CH Pro’s so they are SU12 compatible.

It would help if you described what isn’t working / how they are behaving currnetly.

My CH Pros are fine also after SU12. Just braking or rudder also?

Thanks for your replies.

  1. When I open the sim set for the PMDG 737-9ER at e.g. KLAX, the Controls Options do not even show the CH Pro pedals…

  2. If i reboot and swich to another aircraft and hit both pedals a couple of time, the CH Pro pedals show up and the default settings are:

Right brake axis is Joystick L-Axis Y
Left brake axis joystick L-Axis X
with Reverse Axis checked.

But if I go back to the PMDG 737 then the CH Pro pedals disappear.

That is my problem, since it worked perfectly until SU12.

Go into control options.

While in there, unplug the pedals. And then plug them back in.

You should get a message it was detected.

See if that does it for you. I had a similar issue awhile back.

Also. Go into your Device Manager abs under the USB hubs make sure power saving is turned off for all of them.

no I have to reboot the pc, then go back and select a different aircraft etc.

See my post above

Did you try what I said above?

While in the sim, go into control options, unplug the USB for your Pedals, then plug it back in. You should get a message that a device was discovered do you want to overwrite (forget exact verbiage).

Also check your USB power settings.

Yes i did. see above for my response tonyou

Maybe you could try this:

  1. Unplug the pedals.
  2. Delete the Controls profile for the pedals.
  3. Reboot your computer
  4. Plug the pedals back in and wait for the notification as described above.
  5. Add a new profile for the pedals. Make sure the axes bindings are exactly as you had them.

I have CH Pro pedals, too, and they are working quite well after SU12. Do your pedals work for non-PMDG planes? If so, is there a separate PMDG control setting? Is there a PMDG forum where you can ask the same question?

Thank for your reply.

The pedals work for other aicraft.

I have posted this on the PMDG forum.

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Have you update the PMDG? They released an update with SU12.

Yes you need to go into the PMDG Control Center which should be on your desktop and check for updates. You must have MSFS closed in order to update PMDG aircraft. There was an update immediately after SU12 was delivered last Tuesday. It specifically addresses braking for PMDG AIRCRAFT.