My curiosity about an Antonov AN225 Mriya for MSFS

Hello, good guys of the forum, my curiosity is about some chance to see on MSFS the gigantic Antonov AN225 Mriya, how are these chances to see it on the sim.
Thanks for any clue you would tell me.


I was just thinking about this the other day!

I’d love to see it, but I’m afraid it would be extremely difficult considering the only one was destroyed by a missile earlier this year, and was never scanned afaik.

I believe Ukraine is planning on building a replacement based on the original blueprints though, so maybe we could still get a high quality rendition once that’s complete!

Fingers crossed!

Let’s hope it all together, that plane is a piece of
ucrainian aviation’s history

There is free one on, though it is basically skin over 747 systems and cockpit.
Building proper detailed model with correct cockpit and systems would take couple years, nobody announced it, so do not expect it this or even next year.

If new real one is built (realistically very unlikely), it would use different from original cockpit (with modern glass instruments). Modern engines may either increase performance or allow to have only 4 engines instead of 6. And other possible changes. It would not be same plane.

Isn’t it coming as a local legend? Or maybe just a dream :hushed:


Someone wished it to be a local legend, others picked it up and hyped as it is surely coming.

Chances that it’ll be in the sim? 100%. Jorg has already stated they want to do this plane.

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I think the plane was confirmed by Jorg, they have all the documentation required since the pilots and company preserved it.

It’s Official, the AN-225 will be released at the end of this month and will be made by Inibuilds


This item will be available for Xbox shortly after WASM support is added in Sim Update 12: