My EMB 110 Improvement Mod 2.0

I did a complete rework of my Improvement Mod for the EMB 110 Bandeirante (NextGen Simulation)

Please report any bugs you find to me on my discord or in the comment section on

What does this Mod do:

  • added Modern Prop Simulation, CFD Simulation & new SU10 ground handling parameters

  • changed from mixture levers to condition lever mechanic

  • corrected the start/ingnition mechanic (is wrong in unmodded addon) now: → Starter Switch always is going back to center position - switch up → STARTER ON (no influence on Ignition anymore) , to abort Start - switch down. Starter is going off automatically at 45% Ng. Ignition Switch now has a working function - normal position = Ignition AUTO/ARM - up position - Ignition ON (for use in Rain, Icing Condition etc.)

  • corrected Inertial Seperator - now bound to Engine Anti-Ice with Torque loss

  • corrected Fuel Pump/Crossfeed System (is wrong in unmodded addon)

  • corrected Fuel Quantity Gauge - now shows total fuel for each wing (sum of both tanks)

  • added a formula for the Ng gauge - to compensate for the lacking asosbo turboprop mechanic - you should now be able to nearly always set a Ng of over 100% (engine limit per poh 101.5%). But don´t do it, if you would exceed Torque Limit of course.

  • further small changes to some switches

  • increased the pitch, roll, yaw moi for more realistic feeling (no impact on actual perormance)

  • first iteration of flight model tweaks: torqe and fuel flow on density tables, power output, flaps lift/drag etc.

  • includes a separate grey/ivory cockpit repaint mod

  • includes a seperate mod for King Air Sound (though I personally recommend the very good sound mod from FTSIM+)

Still to do:

  • further tuning of the flight model (power output, speeds, lift/drag, fuelflow)

  • electric hydraulic pump

  • trying to include a co-pilot in cockpit

You can see some of the changes already in this video (german language)

Kind Regards


I sure wish we could access mods like yours on Xbox.


This is a really needed mod. Does the king air sound mod include the click sounds of the cockpit switches? I think they were missing in the last version. The original plane includes a “button_gtn750.wav” file in its sound pack.


The Sound Mod of the King Air is unchanged and will miss some sounds.

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Uploaded a small update:

  • quickfix for doors - mod should now properly work with all3 variants of the EMB 110 - doors should all work as intended
  • quickly added co-pilot visibilty in Cockpit Camera - (always on at the moment - I will include a toggle in the next version)


I made a short video explaining some of the bigger changes, like Starter/Ignition or the Fuel Panel.

Available in German AND English Language (two seperate Vidoes).



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With a few changes in the “EMB110P1_Interior”, couldn’t the “TDS GTNXi” be slammed into the cockpit instead of the GTN750??? :slight_smile: - that would be ingenious :wink:

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This looks great! Would love to be able to fly this in your modded state - I just cannot bring myself to pay for the wrong version in order to mod it to your version. If it goes on sale sometime this looks like a good way to get a decent twin turboprop.

Even though I don’t own the original, thanks for your hard work!


Might be possible. I keep that in mind and will that check out.

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Just as an example:
In order for the TDS GTNXi and not the GTN750 to be loaded immediately in the PC-12, the following is done in a file

instead of: GTN750_INT_HIDDEN=0
simply: GTN750XI_INT_HIDDEN=0

But you know that for sure

You cannot compare that. The PC12 has code for using the TDSNXI in the original files. These two lines only set the GTN on Hidden. It is not that simple. The EMB has no code for the TDS NXI in its original files.
But I will try it at some point.

This plane is seriously great and I would love to see Carlos incorporate more of your fixes into the final product.

I find with a number of the aircraft I’ve purchased that they are so close to being right and just fall short of the mark. This is certainly one of them. Every time I come back to fly it, I remember why I like doing so. I just wish the systems modeling was right.

Thanks for keeping on with improving this aircraft for us. I’ve not found anything else in the sim in its class that I like as much.

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I like the EMB 110 also very muc, otherwise I wouldn´t bother even with modding. It was one of the first better addon back in the day and still beats some of the recent addons. But there is also a lot of room for improvment.


I want to chime in and agree I like this plane a lot. Warts and all.

I do have a question for you please. Any potential to get the weather unit working via the mod?

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Not at the moment. I wouldn´t not have an idea how. But I would love to.

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I’ve owned that since release and shelved it because of all the issues. Apparently, you are more responsive to fixing someone else’s plane who hardly bothers fixing.
JayDee, you are a gentleman and a scholar.
NextGen is never getting a penny out of me again.
You, however, can take my money.


JayDee does SO much cool stuff for the community.

(If you hit up his discord, Discord there’s a way to donate to the cause there!)

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Great. As soon as I download your mod, re-install the EMB (reluctantly, mind you) my Saitek Pro Flight Pedals fail on me.
Not bad for over 10 of hard use in flight simulators (FSX, DCS, XP10-11, MSFS) and Space Simulators (Elite, Star Citizen etc). I even used them as brake/gas for American Truck Simulator before I got real clutch/brake/gas set haha.

My concolences - I suggest you give them a proper burial^^.


Thankfully I have a new set to try out your mod.
I think I can give this plane another chance.
You did more for this plane than the actual developer who makes a lot of promises, this or that, excuses… etc etc.
Instead of writing a bunch of excuses you just fixed it.