My Flight Around The World comes to an end

With all the groundings and even cancelled my trip, the last update has allowed me to finish my around the world trip. Screen shots worked this time no CTD’s. I will be leaving Calgary CYYC at 2@pm MDT in about 46 minutes my one hour flight will take me south past my final destination Claresholm airport and I will fly 16 km south to my house, do a couple of laps there and then return to Claresholm for my final touchdown at Approx. 3PM MDT which concluded my around the world trip.

Thank you ASOSBO/MSFS Team for this wonderful journey. Best time I ever had in any game or sim.
Cheers and Stay Safe,



Nice job. Happy landings!

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Welcome home!

Er, where’s my postcard?

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Congratulations on your trip and it’s conclusion!!

Now turn around and go the other way! :joy:

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Great Job. I went around once in the CJ4. It was very interesting and was a good opportunity to get on top of the CJ4.

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Congratulations :slight_smile:

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I’ve taken over 6000 screenshots but I will say this picture was one of first to really impress me. I was so impressed when I saw these glaciers. Its one valley south of Muddy Lake. Here’s your post card and thankyou to everybody for the kind words.


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Well, that’s my desktop wallpaper sorted…

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heck of an achievement; about the only way I"ll ever do that with my limited patience is with an sr-71 or a telelporter


Claresholm! That’s a name I didn’t expect to see on these forums.

Howdy from here in Edmonton, and welcome home

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