My thoughts about the what is next

We are “close” (this year) to having a new version of our outstanding sim.

Following its evolutions since 1987, these are my thoughts about what MS and Asobo might take into consideration.

1st We have the most modern sim in history full of old planes. We don´t have the A220, A350 and most of the private planes are old, not to say that the ones that come with the program don´t even have candy eye functionalities such as open passenger doors, covers, sun shades, and lovely things the community loves to have. Flight Simulation is not flying from point A to point B, but recreating each one world and flight fantasies, rather than saving a flight in real life, or learning how to fly commercial airplanes “just in case”.

Said that I will respectfully ask Asobo and MS to understand that the greatness of any game comes with community participation. Asking for easier user interphases for developers to make planes, sounds, effects, ground services, ATC, traffic, flightplans, and tools, will boost the game in all directions. I am not a developer, but thanks to the wonderful scenery SDK I have been able to make my airports which I enjoy, regardless of the ground services lost during the first updates and other things that were first implemented. That is how everything grows in human organization, someone puts the bases and the rest develop under those bases.

I heard that the next MSFS 2024 has been focused on performance and quality enabling the change to choose regions which is awesome, especially because we will be able to choose in some way, only what we use!. I remembered fs2002 how bad it was because it never got over its performance issues until FSX arrived and stayed for a long time.

Having Community participation and performance in mind, I hope to see a new golden age of our game as time passes and we all leave here many hours through which we have enjoyed our lives over time, that important might be this game for those of us who love the aviation world since we were kids.

Thank you for the hard work and even when sometimes the community becomes rude, angry, or frustrated, that doesn´t mean that we don´t recognize al the “extra hours”, many of the developers sacrifice for giving us the chance of having a better game, every time.

Thank you Asobo, and thank you Microsoft.


Personally I want a sim where snow hits the plane as snow and not rain. I would like a weather system that works right. Also revamp the entire default ATC. I honestly don’t care for another Airbus. But I would like to see some vintage airliners. Maybe a B727, DC 9, DC 10, or a B707. But I’ll settle for snow acting like snow. Heck we had that in FS9. And decent ATC. FS 2020 is a step in the right direction at times. But other times FS9 with 3rd party weather and ATC was better than what we have in FS 2020. And MS please fix the servers. I am on the fence about FS 2024. I am going to wait a while and see if things really are going to be fixed before I buy it.


I agree with bam12208834, Although I’m currently a avid MSFS2020 user, I’m going to wait until the dust settles before deciding to “upgrade” or not (most previous MS Flight sims I’ve bought as soon as they were released). Wait until the reviews come in, then decide if it’s worth ditching MSFS2020 and starting all over again. I’m more than certain alot of the third party content, no not the aircraft, the other third party content like VATSIM, Navmap, the weather programs, etc will need upgrading as well.

That is the thing, there are so many different interests that it will be impossible for one company to handle all. That is why is so important to think of a “Development Community”, the easier it is to interact with the sim, the greater the sim will be.

We’re incredibly excited for the new (virtual) adventures to be had on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, whilst also continuing our support for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020!

Thanks for being part of this wonderfully passionate and committed community.

The MSFS Team :airplane: