My VR Lego Cockpit

Finaly almost finished. Whatever unit I need, I can put it whereever I want to match in VR.
G1000, G430, AP is comming.
Verknispelt mit SPADNext, all buttons working.
Its all sitting on a 6DOF motion Rig.


I’m super jelly!:beers:

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Legos are like duct tape apparently. The right tool for any job.

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You are doing this and VR!? You are my hero :laughing:

Normally I reduce the physical aspects in VR but this is brilliant.

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I wanted at minimum physikal buttons to have all major flight surfaces and minimum for Navigation. Naja, the key is a special :wink: and the Masters I printed 1 year ago where I wanted all buttons for Cessna. But now its enough. Maybee some other to replace for Piper Pa28. Naja… lets see.
The main is to get max. Flexibility.
All buttons with 4x LeoBodnar + SPADNext.
Achso, the instrument displays are printed paper :wink: in VR your blind.
The outer shape is waist, but looks good. The 40mm depth is because these Encoder assambly from thinkiverse. So I had to make all units 40mm.

First off… this is seriously impressive, fun and creative. GREAT JOB!

I’ve gone the opposite direction and am trying to build the barest-of-bones panel (since you can’t see it in VR anyway.)

However, I may try the Lego format for V2 of my visuals-free cockpit, as I can ONLY fly the plane for which my cockpit was built, since none of the components are movable.

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Thanks. You have to buy theese thin 25x25cm baseplates and glue with UHU Allplast. The ABS is melted. You need to test the material you want to glue on. Acryl colour on wood and PLA works good in my case. Clean all with alcohol before gluing.
After glueing cut the shape with Oberfräse , router. The cables are AMG 22 silicone flexible cables drilled and housed in theese black hoses seen in picture. This keeps the number of cables flexible and the entire DIY cable is also flexible assembled.

One tip to glue the plates. Glue one plate a day. Put the glue fast on the plate back side and fix it with some clamps. Put a soft polysyrol plate between baseplate and a wood plate between the clamps. This will spread the force all over the plate.
The next day glue the 2nd plate with helper lego parts linked to the 1st plate, so the gap between plates will fit the lego pattern of 8mm by itself.

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Very cool and creative.

I went a different route: compact and concentrated encoder and switch boxes that work in every plane. Knobs and switches are different shapes and are close enough togerher that you know wxactly what you’r doing:

You can see how it works together with the whole custom-built control setup and motion rig:


@ Roman I have seen your Idea already and was impressed. After several hours of flight, the Idea of placing the buttons where they are in VR cockpit is a good idea, but is not ideal. I am still blind and fiddling around my fingers to find the buttons. Up to now nothing seems to be ideal for VR cockpit. We have to wait another 5 years to get some force feedback gloves or something. This VarioAero passing through is also not ideal, it breaks immersion.
I fiddle my fingers arround to switch the basic functions and use my stupid mouse in complicated planes.
Not ideal

Depends on what you fly. The steam gauge C172 is easy enough to map out & use 1:1 in VR.

Complicated jets? Probably not.

These are next level … very inspiring !

I am transforming my racing sim cockpit into a flight sim … btw does anyone know if I can use my sim racing pedals as rudders?

This is a great idea. Very cool.
You mentioned gluing the instrument to a 25x25 plates. Why not just print the back as a LEGO piece?
I’ve been considering doing a full cockpit, but like @N582TC mentioned; I would be stuck with a single cockpit.
I recently found Reality Mixer on Steam. It allows you to place a window over a specified location IRL. I have the window on my button box. Now I can see my button box. You could place the window over your entire panel if you want. The developer says he’ll be adding support for a webcam for higher resolution. We VR flyers will be able to do full pits again. Reality mixer and your LEGO pit would be the perfect combo.

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