Nameplates updated?


Thought nameplates changed with the new SU10? I still see the old nameplates.

Does this need a special settings?

Any help will be appreciated.

The update is a hot key to show and hide them. You have to map it.

Thank you

Can you please show me how? I’m on PC

there is a screen shot on jul 8

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Awesome!!! Thank you so much

Strange… this doesn’t seem to work for me. Does it work for you guys?

I tried mapping the toggle nameplates, but it doesn’t have any effect on the sim. If I set the option ON in the Traffic tab the nameplates are shown but the toggle doesn’t remove them. If I set the option to OFF, the toggle doesn’t show them.

Moved to #self-service:miscellaneous which includes this setting.

Same. It doesnt seem to work for me, Am I too stupid to map a key?

If you are, then I am, too. I’ve tried mapping it to various switches, buttons, and toggles on my yoke and throttle quadrant and it does nothing. Does it need to be mapped to a keyboard key?

I managed to get it working, but that doesn’t mean I’m smart enough to understand what’s going on and how I did it.

So first I bound the wrong thing. It has to be Toggle Nameplates and not Toggle Players. As you, I tried several buttons on all my peripherals and nothing would work.

And now the magic: It just started to work with the F12 key on my keyboard. I have no clue why it didn’t in the first place or what I may have changed in the process, but it works.

Note: I experience the same keymapping issue with “Toggle Auto Rudder” / “Set Auto Rudder”
No matter what key I bind, it’s not working from in-game. I still have to go to Assistance Options to manual toggle it on/off.

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Well, and today my F12 stopped working again to toggle on/off nameplates. I have no clue what’s going on.

I also have the issue where setting the toggle nameplate option no longer seems to work. It was working when the update was first rolled out but now pressing the keybind I have set up, nothing actually seems to happen.

I’ve tried changing it to a different keybind but the same issue occurs.

This may not be the best place to report a bug though.

Update: So I decided to set this up using a keyboard binding and its been working constantly compared to setting it up on a non-keyboard device such as a joystick/throttle etc.