Narsarsuaq, Greenland (BGBW) airport missing

One of the most important airports for ferry flights of light aircraft is missing.
Narsarsuaq airport Greenland (Bluie West one)
I was planning a ferry flight but without Narsarsuaq, Greenland its near impossible!

I’m surprised it was overlooked considering Nuuk airport is there. Narsarsuaq is much busier because it is and has been a popular plane ferrying destination in between the US and Europe. Been in use since WW2 when it was one of the stops of C-47s on their way to Europe. It has a concrete runway and everything.

It has a few beacons and a clear spot but nothing else.

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I’m really surprised it’s missing as well. Looks like it appears too blurry on the map (quite a number of airports appear like this) and that’s why the AI hasn’t picked it up and recognised it. You can submit a support ticket at Zendesk for the airport and the team should be able to look into it. Hopefully this is something they can improve on in future updates.

Narsarsuaq airport, Greenland ICAO: BGBW is missing. It’s crucial for transatlantic ferry flights for general aviation aircraft. I really was hoping for the airport to be there in the satellite imaged scenery.


I’ve also noticed this! Please submit a ZenDesk ticket as the devs have said only through community feedback will they be able to get 100% of the airports eventually

Just checked. It has been reported. Thx


It actually makes sense to report it again, since the submitted issues are being ranked based on user demand.

Ok, will do. Thx

I made a version that is pretty darn close, it’ll match spot on to the approaches, I killed most of the flying lakes, added the little harbour there and added a few boats and things around the area.

most important, I gave it the 1.68% slope it has (11ft at 06 and 112ft at 24).

give it a shot

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Most of Greenland is a mess anyway. I don’t know how that survived the alpha and beta.

You got two to choose from here -


Many thanks for that, I can now continue the flight leg 3 …
Reykjavik to Narsarsuaq

BGBW is still missing in FS. It´s important airport for ferry flight.

Narsararsquak Airport (BGBW) is not in the MSFS airport data base. BGBW is a common refueling stop for ferry flights between Europe and North America. Please fix this omission.

There is a version of BGBW Narsarsuaq Greenland at

Xbox pilots need a better solution.

So Greenland airports for XBOX users still severely lacking. All I see is NUUK and really need at least Narsarsuaq for ferry flights of aircraft that need a longer runway than NUUK provides. Is there anyone else reporting this or is it being worked into the next update???

Any word on this one?

Just checked in LittleNavmap, and Narsarsuaq airport is included in the sim.

As a side note, it would be awesome to have more airports in Greenland included in the base scenery. Some seem to have a runway, but no taxiways or aprons, some (like Thule/BGTL) are completely “empty” (no runway, just airport coordinates).