Navigraph Approach Plate Assistance

Good evening forum,

I am seeing more of these on Approach Plates and am not 100% sure what they mean.

When looking at the minimums for DA,H It references ABCD with the distances below in meters. But what is that distance to or from?

I see ALS Out above (assuming that’s approach lighting system) but not sure if that’s related or how it ties in.

Any help is appreciated.


The A,B,C and D are aircraft weight categories. The 1600m and the 2000m are the minimum visibilities that must exist in order to legally execute the approach. You are correct that ALS is the Approach Lighting System. At some airports the visibility minimums increase if the ALS is out.


That makes complete sense!

Didn’t even think of the classification with respect to weight.

Much appreciated!

A B C D is approach speed category, so A is Vref up to 90kts, B 120kts, C140 and D 165 knots. If YouTube plane doesn’t give you a Vref it is 1,3xVs in landing configuration if i recall correctly.

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Correct 1.3X Vref which would make the 152/72/82 “A”.

Thanks for the feedback!

For good info on how to read Jeppeson charts, Introduction to Jeppeson Navigation Charts is available.


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