Please help me out here. I’ve had a VR headset for ages but never really got into VR because I like to use LittleNavMap, Navigraph charts, etc. Long story short, VR is just FANTASTIC if you’re after a fully realistic experience and I’m sold on it. Now then, a few days ago I came across a link in one of the threads for an addon from where a chap had created a tool to get around all these little problems. It wasn’t free, but it wasn’t too pricey either. I’m trying to find it again but I just cannot locate it! Can anyone help?
My mistake, not but rather this is what I was talking about:
Try this. 20 for a lifetime subscription
OK cool thanks. Also my BitDefender antivirus went berserk when I tried to install the one. Not sure what that’s all about.
You can install the Navigraph Charts In-Game Panel which will let you access all the charts within your VR environment. Check this video:
OK yes, that is perfect! And it even has a virtual keyboard.
I am the developer and I am continually improving the panels because I am the first to use them on a daily basis. Any questions or suggestions are welcome.
Are you the developer for these panels?
Ah yes, that is indeed the one I just bought for $12. However, as soon as the zip file has downloaded my BitDefender antivirus gets very excited and immediately deletes the zip file. I get the following message:
“ tried to load a malicious resource detected as Trojan.Agent.DSTR and was blocked. Your device is safe.”
No, it’s a false positive. Don’t worry.
I’ll send a report to BitDefender now, because I sure you that the file is secure.
Sent to BitDefender
Just a question about the Canvass screen, if I may.
I’ve been thinking about getting active on Vatsim for some time, but the main barrier for me, apart from a fear of making a fool of myself of course, has been the ability to take notes of ATC messages when in VR. Things like a long taxi clearance would be a real pain to remember, so having some way of noting it, without removing the headset would be great.
From the screenshot above, I can see that the Canvass window has what looks like pilot notes and I wondered how they would be entered? Can the mouse be used to write out the notes or does it rely on keyboard entry?
Good question. I’ve developed that panel for the same reason that you tell me. jeje. Scenic panic!
You can draw with the mouse or your Oculus touch.
Report sent and they just answered to me with this:
I purchased the lifetime subscription. Will I be notified when and if there’s an update to any of the panels?
The newest is always on the top of the cover. Each article has its update date and its version number. On the web there are many things besides panels, also for X-plane.
Enter the page when you need something and at a glance you will know if there is any news.
Though I’m thinking I could add a mailing list for people to sign up for. Not everyone wants to receive emails. Let me study it.
Have you had any further feedback from BitDefender? Unfortunately it still deletes the file the second it’s downloaded.
No yet. But you can disabled it or better, uninstall and use a good antivirus. ;D
I can’t get the pdf viewer panels to work.
-Webserver folder is on desktop
- run webserver exe
- webserver is working, right click icon in taskbar, click localhost, root site opens and shows files link, clicking link opens page showing pdf file links
- start sim
- setup flight and press fly
- pdf viewer 1 and 2 are in the toolbar and both will open window
- click any button says undefined
- tried putting pdf in files folder and in root folder nothings shows in sim
- right clicking taskbar icon still works to open browser for localhost
What am I missing?
Webserver folder is on C drive desktop, ingamepanels folders are in sim community folder on a different drive
All other installed panels are working great.