Navigraph have submitted their MSFS Xbox marketplace application for their charts integration plugin

Straight from the WT discord server, Navigraph have confirmed that they have submitted their Xbox marketplace application for their Charts Integration plugin, which would allow default aircraft like the Cessna Longitude and TBM930 to display charts within the avionics.

The plugin is being made to allow Xbox players to use charts at will, as Microsoft cannot guarantee that Navigraph will indefinitely provide these features if they were embedded into the default aircraft.

HOWEVER, Microsoft have put the marketplace application “on hold” (these are words from Navigraph themselves).

What could be the reason for this? Is this normal? Can we get a response from Asobo / Microsoft?

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I think you mean the “Navigraph Discord”, not Working Title Discord?

Although, I can’t find what you are referring to on either discord… can you provide a link?

Nope, I mean the Working Title discord. Head to the #longitude channel and search for messages from daddyingrosso (me) from the last few days. Let me know if you find them.

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OK, I see this

Screenshot 2023-10-20 at 3.27.19 PM

That’s the one

I mean, a cynic can pretty quickly determine what’s going on there. It’s just bizarre that this would be put on hold after MS quietly pretended that NavBlue Charts+ was never a thing.

Was not aware of the Navblue stuff. What happened?