Navigraph Price increase of 9% as of 8 December

If I remember right if you are signed in and you click on subscribe for the full package on the bottom there is a option for nav data only but they don’t make it clear.

100% :+1: :+1:

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Well, at least you seem to use the charts which is more than I do :slightly_smiling_face:

I just use Navigraph to update airac data on P2Atc, FS2020 and Littlenavmap. I’ve subscribed monthly now for well over a year and have lazily just let it run on. Notification of the increase however just made me realise that for me at least I’m not getting full use if it and I have therefore decided to cancel it.

For the record, I have no problems with Navigraph. They seem to me to be a great company and I will probably join again for an isolated month at some time in the future.

Navigraph with Simbrief

They could have asked for $100 to $150 and I would still have continued to subscribe and say it was worth the yearly subscription for me.

If I didn’t have Navigraph and Simbrief, I don’t think I would even enjoy MSFS. I want to know where I’m going, how I’m going to get there, and where I am on the ground and en route - and I want it all on my Android tablet at my fingertips.

I also don’t want to have to buy an iPad and use the expensive EFB services to do the same thing. I’m only a “casual simmer” and not a real pilot.

Navigraph with Simbrief is still the “affordable” option.

I’ve had Navigraph annual plan for several years now, however I’ve been canceling subscriptions over the past year. Netflix, Amazon Prime, Game Pass, etc. If it’s a recurring bill that’s not a utility, it’s got crosshairs on it. I just cancelled Volanta Premium last month. Navigraph was safe, but they’ve at least given me a reason to reconsider how much value it offers me. Chartfox is a free alternative for charts, and I likely wouldn’t even notice if I switched to MSFS navdata.


Aha yes, you’re right. It’s intentionally hidden to try to trick you into paying more. Underneath the two gigantic red “Subscribe” buttons, there’s a link in blue text on a blue background to get the subscription. Thanks!

If you’re not using VR, Aivlasoft EFB is the way, way more “affordable” option. A one-time payment of ~$50 gets you a full EFB complete with charts, all of which are dynamically generated from the actual Flight Sim database.

Sadly, it doesn’t support VR and so I can no longer use it, as all of my flights are in VR.

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I’m currently mostly wondering why I’m paying more than the upgraded price… :thinking:


The new price of 81.64 Euro is exclusive of VAT. I’m guessing that your sub includes VAT ?

Aaah of course. Thanks for your quick thinking there Kayembee! 21% VAT in our lovely little country. :smirk:

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Oh wow, I never knew about Chartfox! Well that sealed the deal. I am going to cancel my subscription after it runs out. Thanks a lot for your suggestion!

Last time I used Chartfox, it was excellent for US and Europe but not elsewhere.

That software seems very interesting indeed.

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I haven’t used the current version, but was a user of the previous version in the FSX days and found it to be superb. Hopefully one day it’ll get VR support!