System: MSFS recent update
Add-ons: Navigaph, Little Navmap
Problem description:
Hi, I still use traditional nav aids for navigation in GA. My experience is that the ADF receives the NDB signal only within a (n exactly) 15nm range. NDBs have different ranges and this was quite well modelled in FS2004.
I use Little Navmap for the navigation and it shows the range of the NDB. I guess it is defined in the senery (BGL). For example Kunovice (KUN) NDB in Slovakia has a range 75nm. However ADF gets the signal only within 15nm. It does not depend on altitude, which is quite correct, as this is longer wavelength than VORs, so terrain block the signal less.
I checked this both in the standard C172 and in Carenado Mooney Ovation. It seems, this is not aircraft specific. I used SLEW mode to define the exact range and used various altitudes from 1 000 ft to 10 000 ft.
The picture shows the ADF frequency setting gauge (right) and the ADF gauge itself (left). The ADF needle turns to horizontal right position if there is no NDB signal detected. The picture shows that we are within range and the NDB is right behind us. It is also possible to listen the morse signal of the NDB instead of chacking this gauge.
I haven’t checked the VORs, so I don’t know if those are more realistic or not. But their range os definitelly larger in the sim.