Need help configuring my CH Product Yoke for ignition key in light aircrafts

Fellas, I have a CH Product Flight Sim Yoke, purchased 20 years ago but still going strong so… still using it !

I have circled in red color in the below picture a switch. I can push it up, and down.

I would like to configure it such as up turns the key to the right in light aircraft, and down turns the key to the left. I don’t seem to be able to find a way to do this. Is this possible ?


Hi, launch the sim and go into control options. Enter magneto into the search by name field and find the two controls increase magneto and decrease magneto.
They should do what you want.

Regards, Frank


@FrankO7109 Arghh man seriously, magneto… why didn’t I think of that…! :joy:
Thanks Frank! It works beautifully.


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