Need help to re-install MSFS

After uninstall and format the separate drive for MSFS where it’s installed, I can’t reinstall it from Microsoft Store as it’s direct me to Xbox to download and install but the download is stopped at 0%.

I have Premium Deluxe Edition, be appreciate if someone can help or give an instruction to download it and re-install it.

Thank you.

There are several articles in the “support” heading at the top of each forum page that will probably contain your solution.
Try that avenue, and see if one of those does the trick.

My last reinstall I had to wait about an hour before it started downloading. I attributed it to busy servers.

Same here. I had to wait patiently for half an hour before it started the install process. Don’t know why.

After one hour it’s suddenly started to download and install. In the beginning, I was getting an error at the beginning of download and even I shared my screen with Microsoft customer service (Xbox team) they weren’t able to fix it, the last solution they gave me is to reinstall the Windows. But at least the download is started before reinstalling the windows. What I did is only change the driver letter which I use to install the MSFS2020.

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