Need Turboprop Tutorial

I am in need of a reasonably simple, senior proof, non-real-world pilot tutorial on the basics of flying a turboprop. single engine plane. And I mean starting from the beginning! Power management, power controls, etc. Never tried turboprops before and I really am interested in gaining some proficiency with them. Thanks a lot!


Here are a few articles from the Community Guides section.
These are very well written:

Also helps if you specify which Tubroprop aircraft you are interesting in flying.

There are some very basic / beginner YouTube guides that walk you through cold and dark to shutdown.

If you let us know which plane your interested in we can post some links.

If you’re interested in the TBM 930, its single lever engine control is a bit different from the three-lever controls found in something like the C208. The first thing to remember is that when the lever is on the right side, the prop will always be feathered, at least as long as there are no mechanical failures. The video below goes into greater detail, but here’s my basic method:

  • Crash bar up, battery and generator switches on.
  • Lights as needed
  • Ignition to Auto unless weather dictates On
  • Auto fuel selector switch on
  • AP/Trim switch to fully on.
  • Initialize MFD
  • Starter switch to on - watch the Ng
  • At 13%, Power lever to the first notch. Temps should start rising within a couple of seconds.
  • Starter will disengage at 50% RPM. When that happens, Power lever goes up and over. Using the mouse, move the lever up, then hold the left mouse button and tap the right to move it across.

Shutting down is pretty simple too. From idle, use the same two-button method to move the lever back to the right so that the prop can move to feather, then pull the lever down to the first notch. You’ll get some warnings that you can silence, or just ignore them. Once the engine has settled into the low idle range, you can pull the lever back the rest of the way to cut fuel. Then kill the overhead switches and head out to the pilot’s lounge.

The video below was filmed in a TBM 900 with G1000 avionics, but the single-lever method still holds.


Mainly the Cessna 208

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One of my favorite YouTube Sim/Aviation creators has a few videos on the topic I would suggest. Pgatcomb on YouTube, he does a variety of plane start ups and how to’s as well.