Need very cheap used video card to start new fsx

I have a GT 710 and it ctd’s every time d3d11.dll …after showing last “new Activities” screen

I have used DDu to uninstall
Loaded current nvidia drivers
reduced clock speed using msi afterburner

Beofre I spend the money to purchase (using the Xbox $1 special right now),
I at least want to bring the product up to look around. Not to concerned with high res or veru high frame rates, just a minimumly useable product that I can load and look at

Any ideas to get me by my gt 710 issue
what model name of a v=card i can look for on ebay etc for a used one…

Well I have just upgraded my twin 980ti cards with SLI cable for an RTX3070. Only did this on Friday. The 980ti is more than adequate to run FS at high end settings , assuming your processor is not too weak.

would be good to know the specs of the full pc, in any case a 2nd hand GTX 1060 6GB (not the 3GB model!) would work well and can easily be found for less than 100 USD

I do not have a super high end system, so I am at present, I limited to stock PSU 300W

Later on If i like the product of course I would consider upgrading, but for now, just want the darn thing to start! cheaply!

What screen resolution? You could probably get away also with a GTX 1050 4GB with medium to low settings

Thanks, I was cenetring in on that one but they want 65+ dollars and only ships from China, not comfortable with that risk at this time, any other thoughts for my 300e Psu SYSTEM?

CPU was OK and I have 8GB ram, it was only the card that failed

said needed 2048 and I onluy had 2

I thought 2gb WAS 2048 MEGABYTES ?

Thanks for your info

I have completed my price/benefit/usability research and have decided on buying a new nvidia gtx1050 ti 4GB dual fan

it is from China, so I will have to wait, but they have 30 dy returns, buyer pays shipping.

they wanted $52 and $25 to ship

I offered $45 + 25 to ship, waiting to see if they accept

For what I want to do for now with FSX 2020, sounds like the best alternative

FYI, new board of the same type is $199 on Amazon but I would get Tomorrow

Not worth over $100+ dollars just to get it right away, I can wait.

Sounds good! Just please dont call it FSX 2020 :grinning:

Thankfully the FSX days are over

If you can find a gtx1070 dirt cheap that be good otherwise a 1660ti don’t accept anything less powerful than a 1660super.