Moderators: I never quite know where threads should be located. Please put this in the category it belongs.
I have chosen not to switch from 2020 to 2024 for a variety of reason (not cost related). So I am noticing an increase in network latency in 2020 since 2024 came out. Here’s an example. When starting 2020 it checks for updates. This used to take a fraction of a second. It went by so fast you didn’t have time to read it. Just a blip. Now checking for updates can take up to a minute (which is a long time when waiting for it). From my perspective, this is an indication of increased network latency/lag/delay. Has anybody else noticed this? Is 2020 now prioritized lower than 2024 in the Asobo servers?
Yes, I have been experiencing this for some time now with FS20 (a couple of weeks or so or maybe more).
Very frustrating and it happens with each sim start up. The first time it happened the delay was so long that I thought there was a problem with the sim and stopped it with Task Master.
Hello @rgp1942,
I think your topic is OK where you put it in General Discussion as it’s more a “generalized” question. I did add some tags to your topic.
The only flying I’ve been doing since 2024 came out is to test a beta version of a new airplane that is being developed. So I haven’t had a chance to test whether this new lag is affecting flight performance and experience or not. For example doing a VFR cross-country or some aerobatics. Has anybody noticed if this lag his pervasive during flying, or is it just noticeable during the update check? I would hate to think 2020 is suffering from the release of 2024!
I’m exclusively flying FS2020 (no plans to update for some time) I too have noticed consistently longer dwell times on the checking for updates screen, between 1 – 1.5 minutes for me. This stage - checking for updates – has always been a “cross my fingers” moment because, like so many others, I’ve had it stall out there too many times to count, but between the last sim update and FS2024 release it was pretty consistently more like 15 -20 seconds for me, and I noticed the change pretty much right when FS2024 came out.
However once past that stage, the rest of the loading sequence has been mostly typical for me.
But, for the most part – save the few times there have been major server issues since FS2024 release – simulation performance has been pretty good and haven’t noticed much lag.
I have experienced a higher rate of “insufficient bandwidth” messages since FS2024’s release. Some are real (where I can clearly see on my network monitor very low incoming data, and photogrammetry and textures are clearly degraded), but many are seemingly false positives (where it tells me it’s too low, yet I see high incoming data rates, as well as good photogrammetry etc.).
This could be a good question or topic for a developer q&a – what are the support plans for MSFS 2020 in terms of server capacity, rapid response to server issues, etc.
I have noticed the long check for updates in MSFS 2020 also. I do not and will not own MSFS 2024. I have not noticed anything abnormal after the sim checks for updates. And I hope I won’t.
Hello . just to tell you that I am far worse off than you - I have been unable to use the game (msfs2020) for more than a week now. CTD each and every time. However, one time I managed to change the settings to OFFLINE, as I have learned from the forum here that the 2024 edition uses all available server bandwidth. Since then nothing but CTDs. NOW PLEASE MODERATOR OR SOMENONE ELSE: PLEASE ASK MICROSOFT TO MAKE A PATCH FOR ALL 2020 USERS TO ENABLE THEM TO PLAY THE SIMULATOR GAME OFF-LINE - I REPEAT: O F F LINE. I donot care about live weather and all the fancy stuff, I just want to play the game. how difficult can that be? I am afraid I will have to start a new thread, but there must be a lot of other simmers having the same problem… please somebody tell Microsoft to provide a patch. Its allright with me, if they use all their servers for the 2024 version. Just let us play OFF -LINE PLEASE
My version of 2020 is running fine, except for the noted delay in checking for updates.
Here’s a hint that may help. It’s my belief that many of the problems that a given person is having versus others who are not having that problem is because they are trying to push their system too hard (hardware, software, OS, etc.). Try “dumbing down” your settings to see if it makes a difference. Limit FPS to 30. Disable all options that are not related to doing a simple flight (live weather, POI’s, high resolution visuals/graphics, ATC, etc.). Turn off all caches. Look through General settings for things that aren’t essential and/or add load to your system. Empty your Community folder. Just do a simple flight from an uncontrolled airport (non photogrammetry) with a J3 Cub or something similar. Put as least load on your system as possible. Make sure your graphics/GPU driver is at the latest version. Make sure the latest Windows updates are applied. Unplug all controllers and devices except the simplest controller you have. If it did help you can start adding things back in bit-by-bit. If it didn’t help, your next thing to try is probably to do a clean (not overlay) re-install and let all updates apply. If you didn’t install 2024 on your machine, there is nothing with that release that should affect your PC. If you did install 2024 you are beyond my experience level (who knows what it did). Good Luck!
Same here, it is taking MUCH longer to go from click to main menu. It has never been super quick for me but this is noticeably worse than normal. We are talking several minutes on my system. The update screen goes pretty quick. It is the load from update to main menu that is taking forever.
I have not added anything to the Community Folder and my connection is just as good a reliable as it has been. Like other have noted it does directly coincide with the release of 2024.
Strange thing is, once I’m in the sim 2020 if flying and looking better that ever before. Go figure.
I only fly FS2020 and only have what is strictly necessary for the simulator installed on my PC.
I’ve recently done up to four flights in one day (Jetliner) and I don’t seem to see any difference compared to before FS2024 came out. In fact, sometimes I had the feeling that the mountain reliefs had improved compared to a few months ago and maybe even the photogrammetry.
Understood, I was not implying that FS was loading lightning fast before. Only that it was a consistent amount of time. Since that 2024 that time has increased noticeably without any changes on my end.
I am also noticing this behavior. For me checking for update screen was never really fast. May because of my geographic location, but these days, it’s worse. And if I have any actual update pending, it can take more than 10-15 minutes in worse case. But otherwise loading of the sim and loading into a flight seems all right.
I’ve noticed the increased latency too since 2024’s release. It seems like 2020 is taking a bit of a backseat. To pass the time during these delays, I like to read Surah Yaseen, which helps me stay patient!
I also continue to fly FS20 only, FS24 is on hold. Exactly, the loading times for FS20 are significantly longer. Some of the FS20 servers are probably now being used for FS24. So anyone who flies FS20 is punished with longer waiting times. However, anyone who flies FS24 is punished even more.