New not playing nice with GPU overclocks?

Just a FYI if anyone has recently started getting CTD after the newest update, but never had an issue before.

Since the release of the game I’ve never had any CTD issues with my GPU (RTX 3090) being overclocked, however after loading the newest update this morning I couldn’t even launch a flight from the flight planner screen without it locking up and then CTD. After some tinkering I discovered that the newest update DOES NOT like my GPU being overclocked even the slightest bit.

Leaving the GPU at stock speeds the game runs perfectly fine (although I did notice a pretty moderate performance drop with new update) however throw even the slightest OC and the game will CTD almost immediately.

Seems like a ton of people are having the same issue and for now the only fix is to roll back GPU drivers to version 457.51

realy ?? REALY ???

It is not an issue related to MSFS if you overcloack a 3090 and wonder that somewhat crashs !

This is what you have to do:

I hope a @moderators can check this thread here.

I’ll repeat my reply to your post in the other thread:

Reminds me of the old joke:

Man: Doctor, every time I lift my arm up like this it is really sore
Doctor: Well, don’t lift your arm up like that then

Sorry, couldn’t resist :grin:


How have you stress tested the overclock? Looping 3dmark’s Port Royal is a good test as the ray tracing tends to get cards that otherwise seem stable to crash.
Quake II RTX is also a very demanding test.

But for it to happen suddenly after the newest update? If it happened since day 1 then I completely understand, but for it’s just really odd that it all started after the newest update and this is the only game that’s crashing to desktop whereas more demanding games that utilize ray tracing etc run perfectly fine?

Also a few others have noted a huge drop in performance with this latest update, so that tells me something.

okay… I know you point, but CTD with overcloacking is not an issue. We need our resources to help the users which have CTD without overcloacking… ( and realy: is it necessary to overcloack a 3090 ? )

I noticed with a higher load… I have no diagramms, but my 2080ti seems in higher load as former. If this same for your 3090, then it might be clear why the CTD happens.

I realy recommend:

  • if you own the current nvidia flagship 3090 , possible already manufactore overcloacked, don’t do overcloacking… the 3 fps more aren’t the trouble ( and lost guaranty ) worth.
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I always do that after I make any changes to my overclocks. Also more demanding games that utilize ray tracing (cyberpunk, assassins creed, etc) I’ve been able to play 3-4 hours without any hiccups. Typically it’s the DX12 games that will crash immediately and DX11 (MSFS 2020) games run perfectly fine.

Back to the drawing board for me I guess. Going to tinker some more to see what the absolute limits are before the game crashes with the new update.

I had to lower the OC in my RTX too just for FS2020. Both core and memory clocks had to be reduced a little bit. So I have a specific OC profile for the sim and another for all other games.

Bear in mind that besides the fact that FS2020 is far from stable and its engine far from optimized, it is also very particular in that it’s taxing a lot/all of your CPU cores and the GPU. Most synthetic stress tests only focus on one or the other. You would need to run Prime95 at the same time as a GPU benchmark to really test FS2020 stability.

  • If you have low wattage or poor quality PSU, you will CTD (with a 3090 I expect you to have at least 1000W PSU).
  • If you have bad thermals, you will CTD.
  • If you have a motherboard with unstable VRMs, you will CTD.
  • If you have even slightly glitchy RAM modules, you will CTD.

Better version:

Man: “Doc, doc! I broke my leg in two different places!”

Doc: “Well, then, stay out of them places!”

– Credit: My dad, but I think he got it from that old “Hee Haw” TV show.


I’m not an overclocker, but I watch JayZTwoCents once in a while. If I’m not mistaken, I think he said that nVidia already overclocks most new GPUs to the edge of stability, and that only Founder’s Editions have any headroom left. He also said (I think) that anyone other than nVidia are given the reference spec by nVidia, but they are free to build their cards using cheaper components, less shielding, etc.

This would support how many CTDs we are hearing about. Stay out of them places!


Well, yes and no.

Some Nvidia partners do get to choose from better silicon which takes higher overclocking and they charge for it (see ROG Strix cards for example).

I have factory overclocked RTX GPU from Zotac and even then I was able to extract a little bit more performance out of it (~3 FPS at 1080p). So it is false that modern GPUs are already up to their limits, but then again, overclocking nowadays gives you minimal improvements compared to what it was 5+ years ago so if your game crashes because you have GPU/CPU overclocks, just dial them down.

No problems here with a 3090 OC, got a Strix OC 3090, I undervolt and overclock, its not an issue with the game, its your overclock was always unstable (just something needed to make it do that).

You can always adjust the voltage curve to make it stable, or just reduce the clocks. Either one, I personally run 1950mhz @ 912mv, which reduces the temps down by 8-10deg under load, Strix does have a bios that allows 123% power draw too, so I have that around 115%.

If you want to give that card a real kick to see stability, run the stress test for Firestrike Extreme on repeat, it will either Artifact or crash (Artifact due to not enough voltage to memory and core, or memory is too high) or crash due to just be unstable.

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I too have a strix 3090 OC could you post your settings/overclock I want to see what yours is doing.

Funny you mention this because I was thinking the same where I need to create a specific profile just for this game vs others.

can we move this thread outside of the #Bugs-and-Issues category ?

As say’d we want search here real issues and not test the experiance ( or absense of it ) about overcloacking :wink:

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Fact is that a game prior runned fine with a overclock and now crashes because of that but everything else runs fine is definitely not a NVIDIA issue but a bad coded MSFS issue…
Everybody saying it’s your fault because you overclocked. NO NO NO it isn’t. It ran fine before and i can say that Asobo programmed something in the latest update which made my frames drop from 60 to 35 with the same settings and the graphics card fans go mental. There is something wrong with the gpu adressing since the last update which needs to be adressed. In his case this bad coded gpu adressing makes his card go ctd and mine goes mental which wasn’t the case bedore this update…
So stop shaming users for describing what problems they have and read what exactly happened to them.

Before = fine
After Update = something not working as should.

I’m getting sick of these fanboys/girls defending each and everything and blaming the users…

My personal 2 cents are that Asobo should start to work with dx12 and DLSS 2.0 instead if writing their whole engine themself. NVIDIA is way far ahead of what they try to create. They just need to utilize it but i guess they’ve sunken too deep into utilizing old fsx code and editing it to get out of that one. Which in fact will stall and delay the development of this sim in some time in the future

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With the latest update something happened to the GPU utilisation.
Before the update i ran at 57-59 frames average with gpu being at 85-90%
Now after the update my frames are between 31-35 with same graphic settings as before and the GPU fans go mental with the gpu being at 100%

It feels like as if they implemented a heavy instruction which makes things worse than they were

I don’t know what they’ve done but that’s a huge performance drop and they’ve coded something weird into it which needs to be reverted

The same thing happens to me.
Before the update the game ran at 30 fps on average and after the update it has dropped to 22 fps. Something have changed in the use of the GPU.

Exactly, so your point before about it being wrong is incorrect, the card was unstable, now it’s being used more its causing a crash. Thats just how it is, an overclock is only stable if you can throw what you want at it regardless of utilisation and power draw and it should never ever crash or artefact.


Just to add my 2 cents, and I’ve argued both sides of the fence. I’ve ran a maxed out overclock on my card for the last 3 flights since the update and had no issues.

As a software developer, this “Before - After” logic drives me crazy. It is a known fact that Asobo is adapting the FSX code base where they can use it, and writing massive amounts of new code that has given us the realistic weather, virtual VFR reality, worldwide terrain, worldwide airports, and so much more.

Stated another way, this is no longer FSX, and every new update will add more and more stress on your computer (CPU, memory, motherboard, storage) and your graphics card.

The conclusion from those facts is that what worked before may not work after an update. Add in the determination to run everything in 4K ultra, the mods, tweaks, and insistence on keeping them in the community folder after an update, and it’s a sure bet that we’ll have TONS of complaints about CTDs, AP bugs, instrument bugs – well, you know the rest.

I have a troubleshooting principle I call “Known Good Configuration”. Why introduce variables rather than eliminate them? Applied here, it means that before you complain about a problem that might be due to a combination of OC and sim stress, why not eliminate variables after an update?

  1. Remove any overclocking of your CPU, memory, or GPU for right now.

  2. Clear your community folder (including liveries, Navigraph data, and ALL mods).

  3. Remove any tweaks to Asobo default files.

  4. Do not use any third party products or add-ons, even if obtained from the MarketPlace.

  5. Run everything on High instead of ultra to test the new update.

If it still CTDs, then now you can be pretty certain it’s an Asobo bug. If it doesn’t, then now you’re in a troubleshooting mode to try to find out what is causing the problem. And I would suggest that you leave overclocking until the end, because we know that most mods affect frame rates as do third party aircraft and airports. In other words, they add stress to the CPU and GPU.

If adding everything (other than OC) back in does not cause CTDs, then hello – you know what’s causing the problem, don’t you?