New Airports Showing Up in the World Map

Has anyone else noticed new plain vanilla airports showing up in the World Map? I have noticed that PAUN, PAVD, and KNZY (not originally included in the sim) have recently been added to the World Map.

I don’t have any of those. Could they be addons?

there is a new icon in the main menu for ‘3rd Party Content’. maybe thats whats showing ?

I did have addons for those airports in my community folder but when I remove them from the community folder those airports now show up in the World Map. Up until a day or so ago they would not. When you fly to these airports their scenery just has much less detail than the addons provided. So I assume that the developers have recently added these airports to the sim. Is there another possibility?

Is it possible that you have your local cache turned on? Not sure if that type of data would be cached, but just a thought

Are you talking about this?

I noticed it today as well.

Also note the “Third Party Content” icon
the plug is supposed to be for “Plug-in” I suppose?

New content include all new stuff from MSFS world update, new improvement, POI or airports can be added, once you visit it once, the icon ! disappear.

The thing is the airports I am talking about were not in the USA update. They just showed up in the last few days. The new content icon is showing up at stuff added in the USA Update. Even more confusing is the third party icon is showing up at every airport.

Yes now I now see that third party icon seems to be showing up at every airport. Very confusing.

Interesting thought but how would the plain vanilla version even show up if it had not been added to the sim? Where does it come from?

Are you using Navigraph’s Beta AIRAC data, as that adds standard airports that are missing in the default MSFS navigation database?

I cannot select PAUN ( Unalakleet) from the list?
Strange becaus IRL life is a tarmac strip and as far as I known not an airforce base.

Interesting. I flew out of Unakleet tonight myself and it wasn’t the same at all. I’ve been using the Freeware mod previously, and this was my first time visiting since the USA Update. Right away, I noticed the runway was all jacked up, with really big elevation changes that didn’t exist before. When I got airborne and looked down at it, I saw that the runway lighting was duplicated, like one set was layered on top of another, but slightly off-center. This tells me I somehow have 2 airports here now.

For the record, I do have Navigraph AIRAC data installed. That might very well be the cause, but if so, how are these issues supposed to be handled? Surely you’re able to use Navigraph AND add-on scenery, right?

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Yes I am using Navigraph’s Beta AIRAC data. While I knew it added missing approaches I did not know that it also added standard airports missing from the default MSFS database. Thanks for that information which explains all that I observed.

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“I did have addons for those airports in my community folder but when I remove them from the community folder those airports now show up in the World Map”

I guess what I was saying based on your earlier comment that maybe your local cache cached that scenery and it’s still there, again, not sure if it works that way, but sometimes the obvious jumps out at you. I also did not see those airports in my version. So since you once had addons, seems to me somehow those are “sticking around” somehow in your cache or something.

I do not have any of those airports ( PAUN, KNZY, PAVD ) in my MSFS. I have never added any 3rd party Addons
I plan on keeping a clean sim until they get more of the bugs fixed. I just do not see the point of adding 3rd party stuff to a sim that is still having so many revisions.

I saw no change in the addon Unakleet scenery whenever it did show up. However I am using the PAUN Unakleet addon from because for some unknown reason the freeware version from by iggy would never showed up in my sim.

Ahh, I use the freeware version, but have the RWS version high on my list. Problem is, I never buy from a developer that I’m not familiar with, and I can’t find reviews anywhere for their products. How are you liking their version?

Thanks for all the feedback. It now appears that since the December 8th Update addons for airports not included in the MSFS database may no longer show up in the sim unless they too have been updated for compatibility. However these airports may be added to the MSFS database by installing Navigraph Beta AIRAC data allowing those addons that have not been updated to show back up in the World Map. Wow! Such growing pains!

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I have been very pleased with the details present in the RWS version of PAUN. However I have become totally gun shy of adding anymore unofficial third party content until this simulator development process settles down. My concern is that third party developers not associated with the official marketplace may have no way of knowing if a sim update renders their addon incompatible unless a user informs them or they retest themselves. They then are left on their own to figure out how to make their addon compatible with the latest update. This situation may make it impractical for creators to continue to support their addons.