New Bush Trip bordeaux to mont Blanc

Im stuck on leg 5, cant find the air strip, tried using compass pointer and vrf heading. Hav a fair amount of experience finding and landing on dirt or grass runways. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.


There is a Back on Track function in VFR map.

Is that LFMB by any chance? It’s darn near invisible and on the side of the hill. You’ll need to research this strip much like you would if this were a real flight.

I looked at it via Google Earth.

use google earth or Little Nav map to locate it first, and look out for that pile of stones arranged in like a almost hexagon shape next to the strip.

That will help guide you to the strip itself.

At for landing its very tricky initially, and i strongly suggest you to practise using the worldmap first, before attempting the leg.
the key to handing is a slightly harder landing (do not float down), full flaps, and aim to have all three wheels down as quick as possible.

Upon landing hit the brakes hard, and as you approach the end if you are still moving too fast to stop before the end, sharply turn right using both rudding and right brake only. Its pretty easy once you get the drift.


Thank you very much, this helps a lot!

Yes and thank you for the info.

Just completed this leg, speechless about the scenery. This leg was challenging indeed. Took two go-arounds to locate the airport, then the landing was pretty easy.

Some tips to a successful landing:

  • To locate the airport you’ll need to look for the stones and is probably to the left of where you’re looking…
  • You have to skim the mountain on the left before the final right turn, so that you have enough room for the turn and also some room to correct your path.
  • Airport elevation is ~5300ft so while skimming the mountains be at around 6000’ and get down to 5600-5700’ just when you’re starting the final turn. Anything less and you risk flying into terrain. Anything more and you’ll have trouble getting on the runway.
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Here it is irl :wink:


When at first you don’t succeed, do a go-around. :slight_smile:
This is a great video. It gives a person an idea how well hidden that strip is.

Should we tell them what’s coming up next🤫

Nice challenge(s)on this bush trip, thoroughly enjoyed it.

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