So after getting ready to taxi I am not getting the option to contact clearance for my IFR flight plan. Only gives me VFR options.
Any thoughts?
So after getting ready to taxi I am not getting the option to contact clearance for my IFR flight plan. Only gives me VFR options.
Any thoughts?
Since you didn’t use the world map flight creator, the sim doesn’t just “work” with your own IFR flight plan. I pretty much just dont use the ATC. Only for pushback and parking.
When you create a plan in SimBrief, download it as a PLN. On the World Map screen, load that PLN file. Select IFR - High Altitude. Now the game’s ATC will know where you are going. Once you start the flight, just set up the same flight plan in the FMC and off you go.
Here’s how to import a simbrief flight plan into the FMS so you don’t have to type in anything. It works great it even loads your SIDs and STARs.
How to I get Stars and SIDS to work in SimBrief?
I follow the same principle using navigraph.
I make my flight plan in navigraph, and then export it using their msfs2020 export into a *.pln file.
Load the *.pln file into msfs2020.
Now the ATC knows how to interact with me.
I honestly think this version of ATC is the best I have ever used.
It interacts with me from startup to shutdown.
If I had a wish list for ATC to the msfs2020 developers, it would be to make it voice interactive.
I fly totally VR for a reason. The realistic, 3D depth perception.
It is like “being IN the aircraft” instead of “watching” it on a 2D screen.
Same for ATC.
Interacting with a mouse and display box is totally destroys the imersion/reality of it all.
I highly recommend ditching the default ATC and using Vatsim instead. It fixes all your issues above.
SimBrief flight plan includes STARs and SIDs. Those are usually the first and last entries in the plan if you know how to read it. So… for instance, my last flight was KLAX to KSFO. The flight plan is:
Which means SUMMR2 is the SID and SERFR4 is the STAR using SERFR as the transition point.
For those learning to read flight plans… Here is a more complex one - KORD to OMDW (Chicago to Dubai)
DCT OBK J101 BAE J89 YWG J596 YQD/N0493F320 J513 YVC Q963 YMM J513 YYE J515 ORT J502 RDFLG/N0498F340 J502 OTZ B244 FRENK/K0920F340 M180 PEMID M182 BEKMI R351 PETIV/K0907F360 R351 LURET G7 GIKSI B954 ARKAT N866 HTG W27 NOR R717 SUBOT/K0900F380 R717 LUNEP T797 TINRI/K0893F390 L165 OSGAN/K0893F380 L165 KST/K0898F390 L165 GEDSA/K0895F380 L165 RESBA/K0898F400 L165 NKZ B711 KURAB B359 ADOBI/N0487F400 B359 ASB B114 RIKOP M324 PATAT L519 PUVAL PUVA6Y
So… You are leaving Chicago with no SID - as that airport vectors you out.
DCT means DIRECT, so you are going DIRECT to OBK.
Then you are entering J101 airway which you will exit at BAE. From there you jump onto J89 airway and exit it at YWG. So on, so forth… So your route is essentially a combination of direct points and points which you take airways to… Those airways usually have a letter and a number as you can see from the flight plan. The flight plan concludes by you taking L519 airway to PUVAL, which is the “start” of your PUVA6Y STAR.
I hope this clears things up a bit.
It’s generally a good exercise to build a few flight plans from scratch in MCDU so that you are familiar with how to connect all of those. On most Collins systems such as the one in CRJ, your SIDs and STARs are entered via DEP ARR section and the rest of the main segment is entered via the FPLN section. Airways are entered on the left and the point at which you exit the airway is entered on the right side directly across that airway. If it’s a DIRECT point, you simply enter the point on the RIGHT side and the computer will auto-fill the DIRECT on the left besides it.
I HIGHLY recommend this process to anyone interested in learning how to build your plan in MCDU.
Does the crj accept navigraph plans?
With the TBM, C4J and fbw 320 (all mods) i only have to set a departure ap in msfs. After using a simbrief import or typing it myself in the ap FMS i can still ask for ifr clearance (and get it) on the default ATC