New cruise altitude not updating

Hello everyone.

First of congratulation for you hard work. I just got a couple of flight on it and it looks very enjoiable.

But i notice that setting a new cruise altitude on the FCU does not update the altitude on the PFD and on the fms (150 was the cruise inserted on ground) and it leveled off at FL150 like that was a costraint. I had to push again to let him climb to FL250.
Plus selecting the new Cruise altitude on the MCDU it should appear the message NEW CRZ ALT (which didnt happened to me).
As per the real aircraft the selection of a new altitude (higher of course) will automatically update the Cruise page and the airplane should continue to climb without need of push or pull the Alt knob.
here what happened:

Kind regards

Did you press the altitude knob like you are supposed to with all Airbus aircraft?

Because it works fine for me

If you set a new altitude on the FCU while already in climb it should continue to the new altitude without need to press the knob.
What you say is correct if you are in level flight (ALT Green).
In any case the selection of an altitude of FCU must be reflected on PFD which was not the case as you can see from the picture.

Really? I don’t think that simply dialing a new ALT changes the vertical flight plan.

You can think what you like but that’s what the real aircraft does.
The FCU altitude override the fmgs except if it is an alt constraint. In that case it become magenta on the PFD. But in ALT blu (not magenta) it will follow what you set in your FCU.

That what the fcom says regarding the target altitude. And it’s the same for the climb.

Yes, I have read this text. However, I am still not convinced (but cannot proof anything right now). E.g., descending in managed mode and dialing in a new ALT will not override any constraints or the altitudes computed in the flight plan. It just clears the plane to descend to the new altitude. On climbs, the plane should follow the constraints and the computed altitudes in the flight plan. And those do not change if you just dial a new altitude.

Ok I’ll try to be more clear. What I’m reporting is a bug, I was not asking if it’s correct or not.

To explain better, during climb when you set an altitude on the FCU you’ll read it in blue on the PFD associated with “Alt Blue” on the FMA.
If you are in CLB and with a constraint on the fms and you set on the FCU an higher altitude then the fma will turn in ALT CONST* magenta anche on altitude scale you’ll read the altitude in magenta. Pulling the Open climb only will override the constraint altitude changing ALt and on the scale you’ll have the FCU selected altitude again.

The bug most probably comes because on the CRS page the altitude was FL150.
But still. If you Select an higher altitude it also update the cruise page on the Fms.

I will check with different cruise level on the fms it works or not.


If you are actually reporting a bug, then you would need to contact the Fennix developer team on their discord because they do not read this forum. Posting a bug here is absolutely pointless.

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Thanks, I thought this was their support forum because I haven’t find anything on their website.