I think the profile letter J needs to be applied in the global profile, rather than the game-specific profile. I see that in the label for that setting, plus I saw it on Reddit…
Actually it did work for me with the settings I posted
To get the overlay, in regedit navigate to
And change ShowDlssIndicator to (decimal) 1024 or hex 400.
You don’t have to restart windows only restart MSFS.
Going to do some testing
Is it not possible to use DLSS tweaks to change the preset?
There is still a lot missing from the guides, do we still put the DLSS file inside the FS folder, what about the DLSS tweaks exe in that folder and the override signature file as well, get rid of those? Can someone do a step by step guide for idiots, not just the Ablert Einstein’s.
Just out of interest. Could other people who have got this to work provide info on any fps degradation compared to DLSS
Or just impressions would be fine, as we will have the full release version soon enough.
With a 4090, 5800x3D and a Pimax Crystal OG running at “native” resolution I initially thought maybe a 2-3fps drop using Performance mode, but with much better visuals. However in other scenarios the fps drop seemed higher, somewhat negating the benefit. Of course, being old and feeble minded, I neglected to jot down my findings in detail.
My current version of DLSS Tweaks does not show the J preset option. I just got it to work by setting the presets Quality, Balanced and Performance to default, as the new DLSS files should force it by themselves. I did all the other complicated stuff with Nvidia Profile Inspector and Custom Settings Names.xml to be sure, but it seems that is not needed. I could be wrong though, as the Reddit OP’s instructions are confusing.
Edit: To answer more fully, I backed up the three nvgnx. files and replaced them with the new ones. I left DLSS Tweaks in and just set it as above. DLSS Swapper showed that the new 310.1.1.0 files were detected as being in use. Hope that helps,
What I could not get working in MSFS 2024 was the DLSS Tweaks HUD to verify the J preset.
Tried out Preset J and I love the sharpness of everything. While it’s a little better on the displays it’s still noticeably ghosting.
For my money, Preset F is still the best for MSFS overall as it almost completely eliminates ghosting.
Question . when the update app and oem DLSS files forcing over app releases, do i need to uninstal the dlss swapper first and delete the old dlss files? because i already swapped this 310.1 and i don t want to override things .
I told you… DLSS 4 is a game changer (310 actually)
Like some said, I think the performance will improve once we get the new drivers and the “real 4.0”.
Right now I see a 15% performance drop in “performance” mode but a DLAA like sharpness. The visual improvement is huge.
Still don’t get it at all, I followed the reddit thread and downloades the profile inspector and there is nothing about DLSS at all in it that I can see anywhere, neither the global settings or the flight simulator one.
The github link says that is the latest one and that is what I have downloaded yet a picture above shows they have which is clearly newer, does latest not mean latest in geek world.
Honestly, is this going to be another one of them things where you have to be part of the nerd club and know everything already.
Edit, just found out about a fork or something and that has the DLSS bits in yet it still doesn’t have the letter J in it only G which it says is unused, DLSS tweaks has a G in it.
I can confirm that selecting preset G in DLSS Tweaks does in fact force preset J. apparently it’s because preset G is empty, so it forces 310.10 to use preset J. It showed that this was the case from the dlss tweaks hud.
It’s not completely gone particularly if you upscale form very low resolutions. But much better. On 4k 2d with dlaa i used to notice the glass cockpit ghosting badly. Now at least with 4k dlaa, I have to squint to notice the blurry ness. May be I am too close to the monitor with very high pixel density 27 inch 4k, that’s why I still see in TAA it’s a bit crisper, but in normal viewing distance with 32inch plus screens, it will be barely noticeable i think.
Granted I am on 4k and not even upscaling, but still it’s a marked improvement for me and I can avoid the shimmering in fine details that taa causes from time to time.
You need to edit the customnames XML file profile inspector, find Preset G (unused) and change the name value to Preset J and set the value to A instead of 6 / 7 whatever it was previously.
Can I ask what VR headset you’re using?
I’m on a quest 3 and since getting it a few weeks ago have tried all manner of settings just about everywhere, watched god knows how many YouTube vids on VR settings and just tried this one you’ve posted about but it’s still awful.
Blurry vision and stutters etc. it’s seems no matter what settings or tweaks get applied nothing changes.
Are you on quest 3 headset?
I’ve been following this all day, however when I use DLSS swapper to move to the new version, MSFS 24 crashes on load at approx. 89%.
I’ve made the changes to preset J and not difference.
When I go back to MSFS 24 loads fine.
Oddly MSFS 2020 (40th anviersary) loads fine on 310.1.0.0
Any ideas?
Yes, AI can also make mistakes. In any case, the file is still in the DLSSv3 version
not v4, as the topic title incorrectly suggests, which I mentioned earlier.
Same , using 49 inch 4K monitor and the ghosting is better but still slightly there especially when rotating the Altitude on the G1000 screen.
But I want to try with my Quest 3 and see if performance is a bit better using DLAA instead of TAA.
Do you have a DWORD (32-bit) value named ShowDlssIndicator
in the system registry at
with a value of 400
(hexadecimal) or 1024
This is black magic lol. Insane amounts of clarity added, everything is so much sharper and cleaner.
Definitely requires taking the supersampling down a bit to reach previous DLSS performance but it’s soo worth it. Much less supersampling is now required for a great, clean image.
Almost feel like Nvidia is cannibalizing its GPU sales here lol. Glad they did though.
Regarding the name, I don’t think DLSS 4 is wrong. This new super resolution model that the new file/profile brings is ONE ASPECT of DLSS 4, that’s how Nvidia presented it. It may not be every aspect, but it’s part Of DLSS 4. And the MFG part is not relevant for VR anyway so…
Tried it in 2024 and I don’t like it overall.
The readability is improved when the displays are steady. It looks very crisp overall. But unfortunately the ghosting is different but not away. It seems especially on numbers there are issues.
So at least with the Fenix its not usable for me…
Let’s see how it will be when the real DLSS4 comes out.
I’m not saying the ghosting is completely gone but it’s a HUGE improvement VS before.