I accidentally found a hack to boost frame rate performance in airplanes equipped with secondary instrument screens. This is how you do it: Start a flight, then pause the flight, open the secondary instrument screens and minimize it or move it to the second monitor if you have one, then you will see frame rates jump up tremendously and the flights become very smooth.
I do not know why but suspect it might has something to do with multithreading in a multiple core processor. I use AMD processor and GPU and use adrenaline overlay to monitor my frame rates, not the developer console. I also use Direct 12(Beta).
Please post your experience and potential explanation.
The secondary screen is a digital instrument or screen such as primary instrument display, engine control, digital compass, map etc. You open it by alt-left click.
Can you explain more clearly what you mean by ‘secondary instrument screen’? Or perhaps show what you mean with a video?
Many users will use right-alt and click to pop a window of a glass instrument panel such as a PFD or MFD out to display on a separate monitor. I do all the time and have never noticed any FPS improvement (rather the opposite: in the past - popped out windows used to slay FPS)
What you will get is non-blurred displays on the popped out windows if using DLSS to boost performance
That is exactly what you do. The more windows you open, the higher the FPS. I use AMD adrenaline overlay to show the frame rates not the MSFS developer console FPS display. The later would not show the improvements. I can not explain why.
Sorry, for some reason, I could not capture the AMD overlay in the second pic with many trials.
However, is it possible that if you open different windows in MSFS, each window is handled by a different core of the multicore processor, thus the boost in performance?
You can try it to see whether you could see any true improvement in performance