New LVFR A321neo on Marketplace

I just now updated the LVFR a321neo and I’m really mad at the developers as they left the version history just blank… again. This is not what I would expect from a good developer.

Knowing this, I won’t buy the aircraft until SU10 is released because there’s a chance it will not work (no, I don’t really have faith that Asobo will fix anything that’s currently an issue in the Beta, I fully expect the final version be as it is now :man_shrugging: ). By the way, this is why I generally avoid buying almost anything for the sim, with the exception of liveries. Basically anything and everything can break at any moment. :disappointed:

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Normally I won’t buy anything but liveries also, but I was so tempted for a new airliner. I can only hope that it continues to perform OK in SU9 and the developer continues to update which I strongly believe that they do.




Finally, info from the devs. I hope someone makes a new video about the aircraft because if all of these issues are really fixed then a purchase will be assured by me. Probably only after SU10, though.

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Plane still floats on landing.


I regret to admit it, but this plane cause A LOT of CTDs, in all sort of circumstances. Most of the time I can’t even boot up the systems, or it crash.

The developer said, a performance and stability update is to be expected this Thursday /Friday. I sincerely hope, it will be a good one…


I’m reluctant to buy precisely because of the bugs reported by friends here. It looks like a promising aircraft and would suit me well, I don’t care about “study level” things, I just want to have fun casually taking a flight or another. By the way, I hope for more aircraft like this, maybe the 787 and 747 variants.

It sure does. When they said they fixed the flare I wonder if they know what the real issue is. Weight/speed is out of balance.

Just downloaded the second update that came out today 1.2.0
Still floating…
Very frustrating

Here’s the details for the 1.2.0 patch.

1- Fixed flaps anomaly

2- Aerodynamics/flight physics correction

3- Performance stability improvement. Some XBOX S users had CTD’s on certain occasions, and also some PC users. Now you will have 2 options for each aircraft, one with Cabin interiors/passengers and another without Cabin interiors and passengers. This last one should work on those users who have encountered CTD’s.

4- Black screens issue resolved for XBOX.

However, players are still giving mixed feedback on Facebook. I’m afraid this aircraft still has a long way to go before it reaches at least the level of the default A320neo.

In terms of stability and performance, I don’t read mixed feelings yet. And that was the main issue, at least for me personally.

I’m gonna test a lot with the no cabin versions the next days, and come back here with findings. Positive or negative.

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I bought this plane a few hours ago. I will test it out this weekend. At least visually he is very handsome. Following their FB page, you can expect massive support for the bug fixes that bother users the most. We will have to be patient until this aircraft reaches its fullness. That’s how it was with Virtualcol’s Embraers (except for the 170-175, which continues to rear up during takeoff from the runway).

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I’ve read that the plane still crashes on big airports, and that it still floats on landing, or even starts to climb rapidly when the flaps are full. Also, that the fixed interior cameras don’t have the cabin walls even when the cabin is set to on. I don’t know how accurate these complaints are as I don’t have this aircraft yet, but it surely erodes my trust to buy it.

It’s very frustrating to buy something that comes full of bugs but that’s the bad thing developers are paying to release their items on Xbox. As long as Asobo doesn’t improve the development tool, it will always be like this.

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The Asobo A320 and 787 too will crash sometimes on big airports. That’s MSFS in its current state.


They are accurate, at least I can confirm the CTD at large airports and the floating. I have not experienced the rapid climb with full flaps. It surprises me how little discussion on here and on Facebook the floating issue is getting. It’s a major issue, a proper approach and landing cannot be done with realistic speeds/flaps. Some say they are increasing the payload all the way, well 1.) you shouldn’t need to do that and 2.) that is counteracted when using the auto throttle. It automatically puts you into over speed. If manually throttle you need to be under 140 knots to touch down even with max payload.

There is something wrong and maybe because folks don’t fly properly they don’t understand it but if you want to do a proper ILS, it ain’t happening.

That all being said I really like the plane, the cockpit is changed just enough to make it seem different, it handles extremely well and feels real, has a long range. I’d be flying it a lot if it would land realistically.


Multiple short flights since update with the No cabin option, had one CTD at charles de gaulle, live weather on. (Xbox series X, update 10 Beta). Aircraft still floats on landing And its a pain to slow on approach unless you go full flaps, to some people that’s fine but it is unrealistic. The No cabin I’m getting better performance, but how they’ve removed the interior looks a bit rushed and frankly quite bad. I think they could of gone with the same windows as the stock 320neo, but wouldn’t know how hard that would be for them to implement. However nice to see them updating I think they’re going in the right direction especially as it’s their first plane.


I’m curious, does this one have the same issue as the default a320, where it doesn’t follow STARS?

Yes, another problem if you want to fly it realistic.