New Nvidia App crashes my MSFS2020

Hello my fellow simmers.

Has anyone experience crashes when using the Nvidia’s new App, specially when using the filters like the RTX Dynamic Vibrance like myself. When this is selected, MSFS 2020 refuses to start. However, it runs fine when I uninstall the app so something in the app is causing it to crash.

i did download the nvidia app, but i have yet to test MSFS. i will post an update if i experience any issues


I installed new nVidia app from day one and I have not any problems. I using filters also. Just remember this is only beta.


Am running RTX 2070 Super at 1440p and should be fine. Maybe it’s my graphics settings causing this

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YES i have it to and already post it here.

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Me too no problems

alright, so these are my numbers, driver version 551.52
i’m very satisfied, this is at 4k, dlss quality with tweaked TLOD and OLOD settings
note, this is flying above less demanding/detailed terrain

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I experienced multiple crashes when using the app “Your graphic device has encountered a problem…” so same as TS. Removing it solved the problem. I’m sure Nvidia is aware of some instabilities in some games.
For now I’ll just wait for a more stable release.

I uninstalled it more or less straight away. It made games feel janky to me. I had to use DDU to remove it properly with the restart option.

I like the app. It just needs more work.