New PC - downloading and installing at a different location

Another question please …. Are there any issues downloading and installing MSFS on to a new PC at a location other than home. I already have MSFS on my current PC but getting a new PC in a few weeks. Our internet connection at home is very slow (2 days to d/l MSFS when it came out).

The vendor I’m buying the new PC has fibre and can download and install MSFS as part of the build prior to delivery so much quicker d/l - obviously would also need to d/l and install the xbox app.

Obviously, I would need to give him my ms account and xbox name and password - or be with him when installing.

Could there be any issues with running MSFS once I get the pc homehaving installed it from a different internet connection location?

When installing MSFS the main concern is that someone might see or learn your Microsoft account password if you leave your PC unattended while logged in.

Thanks for that. Know what you mean about protecting password…