Where do I download Gaming Services from?
I’m getting a new PC in a few weeks and want to install MSFS on it. I’ve got MSFS on my present PC. I’m aware that I log into my xbox account and download MSFS from there.
So, once I’ve got the new pc, I’ll need to download the xbox app from the Microsoft Store and install it - but where do I download the Gaming Services - or does that come, and install automatically with the xbox download and install?
You should also be able to find and download gaming services from the MS store.
P.S. if you don’t have automatic updates set for the store, check back frequently to get updates. Gaming Services in particular updates very frequently.
Thanks for your reply. I did look in the MS store - found the xbox app to download and looked for but could not find a gaming services app to download.
Gaming Services is automatic in the Store and will download with other Xbox apps and MS Store updates.
Ah, thanks. So I’ll just download and install the xbox app on my new pc and should be good to go ahead and download and install MSFS from my xbox account.
Thanks people….
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Hmm… this doesn’t seem to be the case on my pc but perhaps I’ve got it set somewhere to not automatically update.
I get my xbox, game services and all other application type updates manually by clicking the MS Store “Get Updates” button. I’ve had too many instances where Windows was trying to update things in the background at inopportune times .
I will say that the xbox app, gameservices, authenticators and other related software do get LOTS of updates - sometimes daily. Wouldn’t surprise me that some of the issues with being stuck on retrieving updates is related to having older versions of some of this software .
Edit: I do have the auto app updates turned off (different from Win 11 system update settings).